Our elementary program stands out with its focus on digital literacy, featuring interactive learning centers designed to captivate young minds. This program is based on the New Brunswick Digital Literacy Framework by Dr. Matt McGuire of UNB, and activities from the Centre of Excellence for Digital Innovation.
Led by our education coordinator, enthusiastic student coordinators and dedicated mentors, we’re committed to supporting students, including many English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. Snacks are provided at each session.
In our kindergarten to grade 2 program we integrate engaging technologies and collaborate closely with classroom teachers to enhance the learning experience during the school day.
For Grades 3 to 5, our afterschool program continues to offer activities centred around computational thinking, critical inquiry, meaning-making, and other key framework competencies. Additionally, in the fall of 2024, the Promise Partnership partnered with UNB Nursing to introduce a new placement at Hazen-White St. Francis for Grade 3 to 5 classes during the school day, focusing on Digital Health and Wellness.
Our goal is to engage 100% of the youth at the school with these innovative initiatives.
The school is located a short distance from the university. Sessions run Monday to Thursday through the fall and winter semesters.
Mentors provide educational support through activities designed to assist in developing digital literacy skills, social skills and making connections. Sign up to be a mentor.
Kaleigh Wadden
Education Coordinator | Saint John
Hazen White - St. Francis School
476 Sandy Point Road
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2K 3S2