First Place: Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade for Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station - I. M. Lousise Kamana, M. Ibrahim, A. Rathinavelu, J. Weaver
Second Place: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of a Lime Kiln, Irving Pulp and Paper - A. Kerr, B. MacDonald, M. Lipsett, C. Smith
Third Place: Producing Hydrogen from Waste Aluminum Dross - J. Ellis, P. Levesque, J. Seamans, M. Turnbull
Best technical report and best presentation, Civil Engineering: Serenity Lane-Rainsford Lane Active Transportation Connection - Z. DesRoches, L. Harris, K. Kirkbride, K. MacLean
First Place, Civil Engineering: Fish Passage Potential on Aboiteaux Structures within the Bay of Fundy - H. Morrissey, M. Buzas, S. Butland, B. Maclean
Second Place, Geological Engineering: Slope Stability along the West River Road - C. Galaise, M. Probert, A. Snodgrass, E. Young, J. Hogan
John F. Murphy Prize ($1000 for Any Concentration): Force Myography Wearable Device (Electrical Design) - J. MacPherson, L. Morrison, R. Meredith, S. Boyd
John F. Murphy Prize ($1000 for Power/Renewable Energy): Nanogrid Nexus (Software Design) - C. Fiander, C. Davis, Y. Rizk, J. Soehner, B. Irvine
Software engineering prize ($1000): AI House Predictor (Software Design) - M. Lalonde, R. Greenan, T. Donovan, G. Tamayo, B. Jacobs
IEEE NB Section Prize ($600): CubeSat NB, Satellite Comm & Ground Station - B. MacEwen, C. Corscadden, P. Ainguah, T. Stewart
First Place ($1000): The future of earthquake damage detection; Using AI to detect damages with off-nadir satellite imagery - A. Barrieau, S. McNally, A. Nielsen
Second Place ($750): Viability of aerial GPR for infrastructure planning - C. Rafuse, E. Speziale, N. Tubb
Third Place ($500): QuickAssess AI; Automation of the property assessment process - R. Matchett, C. Paul, G. Mathers
ANBLS Award ($500): Supplementing legal survey plans for virtual home buyers - Z. Economou, D. Fox, S. Sawler
Best Poster: The next step for crop rotations; Using satellite interferometry for predictive analysis - R. Hughes, C. O'Neill, J. Rees
First Place ($1000): Reactive Power - S. Ables, T. Vickers, N. Burns
Second Place ($500): TactiX - M. Kassimi, I. Khan, R. McIntosh, M. Nguyen