Pioneer solutions to problems. Spearhead new areas of knowledge. Tackle complex challenges where the stakes are high for the wellbeing of the planet and people. We know you have what it takes and we are here to support you. We offer:
You come with questions. We will help you reach for and find the answers.
You arrive eager to challenge the status quo and drive past limitations and boundaries. We collaborate to push even further.
Every program at UNB Engineering can support your passion and dreams.
Fire up your career with an interdisciplinary graduate degree.
Boost your learning with a discipline specific graduate degree.
We are not looking for the easy way out or for half measures. We want real solutions to the challenges we face. We see those challenges as opportunities to be rigorously pursued. Innovation and design are key words that guide our work. Our faculty attract over $12 million annually in research funds from public councils, government organizations and industry partners.
Out of that we have more than 75 spin-off and startup companies with over $43 million in university-wide research funding annually. We know technology plus business savvy makes an impact on the health and wellbeing of people and the planet. Join us in our quest for engineering and technology that makes a positive impact on the world.
Become part of our groundbreaking, pioneering, essential research. UNB Engineering has world-leading research groups, centres, and institutes. We invite you to find your research home in one of them.
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