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Faculty of Engineering
UNB Fredericton

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Our research is changing your world

The University of New Brunswick’s Faculty of Engineering is proud to be home to leading research that is providing solutions that benefit consumers, patients, industries and the planet.

UNB Engineering conducts an estimated $17 million per year in research funded by public research councils, government organizations and industrial partners.

Research highlights

Institutes and centres

  • The Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence is partnered with Irving Shipbuilding and Lockheed Martin; it will be the first research centre in Canada to use 3D metal printing as a method for manufacturing certified, custom parts for the marine sector.

Groundbreaking research and technology

  • Technology that could change the face of disaster relief automatically scans satellite images from different vantage points to detect changes to buildings, city landscapes and rural areas following natural disasters.
  • The Ocean Mapping Group's research at the Port of Saint John will provide a better understanding the sedimentation, circulation and ecology of the Saint John Harbour.
  • Dr. Gobinda Saha’s Nanocomposites and Mechanics Laboratory (NCM Lab) is working in the field of advanced materials design, manufacturing, testing/characterization, and modeling to develop innovative solutions to tackle industrial wear and premature material failure facing structural and non-structural components. The work is fundamentally linked with industry needs.

Research areas and groups