Papers must be submitted electronically. Late submissions, submissions by email, or hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.
Submissions must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments or obvious references.
Papers must be typeset using LaTeX in the LNCS style with no alterations to font size or margins, with the exception of page numbers. The main body of the paper must be at most 20 pages in length; including bibliography and clearly marked appendices, the total length must not exceed 30 pages. Program Committee members are not required to read appendices, so the paper should be intelligible without them.
Papers must be written in English, and begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. An introduction section should summarize the paper’s contributions at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader.
Submissions must be in PDF format.
Submission implies the commitment of at least one of the authors to present the paper at the conference. The SAC 2023 Chairs reserve the right to withdraw papers from the proceedings that are not presented at the conference or for which the camera-ready post-proceedings version is not submitted by the deadline.
Irregular submissions: SAC 2023 follows the IACR’s Policy on Irregular Submissions. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to a journal or any other conference/workshop that has proceedings. The SAC 2023 Chairs reserve the right to share information about submissions with other program committees or journal editors to detect parallel submissions. In addition, the SAC Chairs reserve the right to contact an author’s institution/corporation and/or other appropriate organizations if an irregular submission is detected. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. For further details, please refer to the IACR Policy on Irregular Submissions at
Conflicts of interest: SAC 2023 follows the IACR’s Policy on Conflicts of Interest (COI). Authors, program committee members, and reviewers for SAC 2023 must adhere to the IACR Policy on Conflicts of Interest. Authors are requested to identify all members of the SAC 2023 Program Committee who have an automatic conflict of interest with the submission, and disclose it at the time of submission. It is the responsibility of all authors to ensure correct reporting of COI information. Submissions with incorrect or incomplete COI information may be rejected without consideration of their merits. For further details, please refer to the IACR Policy on Conflicts of Interest at
Code of conduct: SAC 2023 is committed to providing an experience free of harassment and discrimination, respecting the dignity of every participant. Participants who violate this code may be sanctioned and/or expelled from the event, at the discretion of the Chairs. Serious incidents may be referred to the IACR Ethics Committee for further possible action. Any action will only be taken with the consent of the affected party subject to applicable laws.
If you experience harassment or discriminatory behaviour at SAC 2023, we encourage you to reach out to either of the SAC 2023 Chairs or the Chair of the SAC Board (Douglas Stebila If you witness harassment or discriminatory behaviour, please consider intervening.