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Co-op program

Earn while you learn

Receive an excellent education that pays for itself with the Faculty of Computer Science's accredited co-op program. As a co-op student, you spend four to six terms earning a salary for doing interesting work at a wide variety of companies across the region and the country. Co-op program graduates typically have job offers before they even graduate!

Our students have completed their co-op program abroad (Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg), nationally (RBC Royal Bank of Canada, TD Bank, Statistics Canada) and locally (Blue Spurs, IBM Canada, Cvent, JD Irving, McCain Foods).

The program consists of work placements (four or eight months) alternating with study semesters. Students in the following programs are eligible to participate:

Co-op benefits

The co-op program’s advantages go beyond your academic life, as it will give you the experience you need to grow as a professional:

  • beneficial combination of theory and practice
  • attractive salaries on work terms
  • higher salaries after graduation
  • work experiences that enhance personal development
  • exposure to a variety of technologies

Salaries paid to co-op students on work terms are very attractive. Our co-op program isn’t an internship; it’s the first step towards a career in computer science. Most co-op students graduate debt-free, or with little debt.

Our program was established in 1981 and is accredited by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL).

Co-op essentials

Contact us

Leah Bidlake, Director
Patricia Meng, Coordinator
Cathy Clowater, Coordinator

Faculty of Computer Science
Information Technology Centre
550 Windsor St.
Room ITC-314
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5A3