Minor in Environmental Studies

The minor in environmental studies program provides students with an excellent interdisciplinary understanding of climate and environment topics. It offers a useful complement to many different degree programs.
The minor is open to students from all faculties and programs. To complete the minor, you will take:
- 24 credit hours from the approved list of courses (see below),
- 12 credits hours of the 24 must be upper level (3000 level or higher),
- courses from at least three different departments.
With approval from the Environmental Studies Advisor, students may take up to 6 credit hours from Arts Internship Program courses (ARTS 3000, 3001, 3002 and ARTS 4000).
Environmental studies minor courses
- ARTS 1023: Arts First: Climate and Environment
- ANTH 1003: Environment and Climate Change
- ANTH 2011: Environment and Infrastructure
- ANTH/SOCI 2801: Food and Culture
- ANTH 3111: Resource Extraction, Conflict and Resistance
- ANTH 3364: Archaeology of Northeastern North America
- ANTH 4144: Culture and Environment
- ANTH 4025: Hunters and Gatherers
Culture and media studies
- CCS 3405: Media and Environment
- ECON 3755: Environmental Economics (Requires 3ch of first-year microeconomics)
- ECON 3766: Economics of Climate Change (Requires 3ch of first-year microeconomics)
- ECON 3865: Energy Economics
- ECON 3801: Transportation Economics
- ENGL 3983: Literature and the Environment
- HIST 3355: Nature, Culture and the Canadian Environment
- HIST 5342: Environmental History of North America
- HIST 5345: Natural Resources, Industrialization and the Environment in Atlantic Canada
- PHIL 3208: Ecological Ethics
Political Science
- POLS 1803: Politics of Climate Change
- POLS 3217: Canadian Environmental Policy
- POLS 4725: Climate and Energy Policy
- POLS 4724: Topics in Environmental History and Politics
- POLS 4734: Political Economy of Energy and the Environment
- SOCI 3553: Sociology and the Environment
- SOCI 3563: Global Perspectives in Environmental Health
- SOCI/ANTH 3801: Food Studies
For more information about the minor, please meet with the Environmental Studies Advisor.