User Requirements | Data Access | NB Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT) | UNB

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User Requirements

All research team members, those who are listed within section two of a Data Access Request (DAR) form, must complete mandatory administrative safeguards before they are granted access to project data or our NB-IRDT Trusted Research Environment (TRE). These safeguards are necessary to help protect the data in custody at NB-IRDT; they also ensure compliance with privacy legislation and our internal policies. Completion of the Administrative Safeguards will qualify you to be an Approved Data User.

During the DAR approval process, the NB-IRDT Data Services Coordinator will reach out to new individuals, those looking to become Approved Data Users, and anyone who needs to update their training. The NB-IRDT Data Services Coordinator will provide instructions on how to complete the administrative safeguards.

Prior to qualifying as an Approved Data User, the following must be completed: