The pillars of integrated health
- Interdisciplinary education
- Collaborative research
- Technical and social innovation
- Knowledge transfer and commercialization
- Health and Social Innovation Centre
There is no more challenging and important issue facing Canada today than the delivery of effective, efficient and sustainable health care. UNB and its partners are working to change the future of health care, today.
The Integrated Health Initiative is UNB’s Strategic Vision in action, serving the public good and tackling society’s grand challenges. Through this ambitious initiative, UNB will become the place to which other jurisdictions turn when confronted with seemingly insurmountable health care challenges and social issues.
Dr. Lisa Best never set out with a map in hand. Her academic journey was less of a carefully plotted course and more of a winding trail—one shaped by curiosity, unexpected turns and a willingness to see where the path might lead.
At a priority school in Moncton, children in grades three to five now get to build their digital literacy skills through activities like learning code through walking, talking robots; creating and exploring digital worlds and much more—all while forming lasting connections with mentors from the University of New Brunswick (UNB) and the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC).
Hannah Rudderham, with CBC New Brunswick, reported on a partnership between UNB and the University of Waterloo aiming to bring a satellite School of Optometry to the Saint John campus.