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Giving to UNB

UNB Law: Where leaders are made

The Campaign for UNB Law

In the next decade, UNB Law will affirm its place as one of Canada’s top law schools, ensuring that it continues to produce outstanding leaders who will confront society’s toughest challenges. Building on the strength of our core curriculum and intimate atmosphere, we will become Canada’s leader in experiential learning.

Enabled by our new downtown location — the completely renovated Fredericton Justice Building, slated to open in 2028 — UNB Law will provide an immersive learning experience that blends classroom and community like nowhere else.

The campaign for UNB Law, Where Leaders Are Made, will raise funds for four strategic pillars:

  • Supporting our students: Scholarships and financial assistance to ensure accessibility for all qualified students.
  • Classroom experience: Enhancing the learning environment with modern, fully accessible classrooms and state-of-the-art technology.
  • Experiential learning: Expanding practical training opportunities through the Legal Clinic, internships and the Legal Observatory.
  • Research that addresses societal challenges: Supporting interdisciplinary research and launching a Master of Studies in Law degree.

With your support we will transform UNB Law and shape the future of legal education in Canada.

Support UNB Law now

Contact us to learn more about these exciting new developments at UNB.