If you feel uncomfortable walking, contact Safewalk or arrange for a Campus Security escort. Familiarize yourself with the locations of pay phones and blue light campus emergency phones. Dial 911 on your cell phone and keep your finger over the send button.
Be aware of what is around you. Cross the street. Go directly to the nearest phone booth or open business and call for help. If followed to the phone booth, drop the receiver, drop down to the ground and press your back against the door with your feet against the wall. Continue to talk clearly and directly at the receiver. Remember to phone 911 in an emergency. You don't need money to make that call. Wait in the phone booth until police arrive.
Turn and walk in the opposite direction. The driver will have to turn around and drive on the other side of the street to follow you. Get the license plate number and write it down! If necessary, write it on the sidewalk. Never try to outrun a vehicle. Change directions whenever necessary. Remember that you can do a U-turn faster than a car can. Seek help at a business or residence. Call police or Campus Security.