Secure your ride

Bike security is an important issue in and around campus. We are taking a stand against bike theft by partnering with the Fredericton Police Force and implementing 529 Garage, a revolutionary bike registry and recovery program, in an effort to ensure more bikes are protected and returned to their owners.

Protect your bike

If you are part of the UNB Fredericton community, you can register your bike with 529 Garage or by using the app.

App Store      Google Play

During registration, include a photo and the serial number of your bike to enhance its identification. In the unfortunate event of theft, you can activate an alert through the 529 Garage network, increasing the chances of recovering your stolen bike. Please see the attached link below to see where the best location is to place the 529 Decal. 


529 shield decals are available through UNB Fredericton Security and Traffic. This visual deterrent discourages potential thieves, minimizing your risk of bike theft.

Enhanced theft prevention

Quick recovery: In case of theft, activating an alert through the 529 Garage network increases the likelihood of recovering your bike.

Simplified registration: 529 Garage streamlines the registration process, allowing you to protect your property hassle-free.

Positive impact: Campuses and cities that have implemented 529 Garage have witnessed a significant double-digit reduction in bike theft.

Essential steps for bike locking

  • Properly lock your bike by backing it into the rack and securing the front wheel, back wheel and frame to the rack.
  • Use a U-lock along with a good quality cable or chain for added security. Bike thieves prefer quick thefts and are less likely to target bikes secured with a U-lock. Cable locks are less effective deterrents.
  • Position the lock high off the ground with the keyhole facing down.
  • Remove accessories and valuables such as seats, bags, bike computers, lights, etc. Bike thieves will be stopped and questioned if they attempt to steal a bike missing a seat or wheel.
  • Avoid leaving your bike in unlit or low-traffic areas.

Making it difficult for thieves to remove your bike decreases the chances of theft. Together, we can make a difference in reducing bike theft, promote cycling and creating a secure biking environment.