IT Services
Use of UNB computers and communications technology is subject to UNB’s Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technologies Policy.
For information on printing in the Law Library, please see Printing, Photocopying, Scanning.Computer Lab
The Law Library’s computer lab is located on the first floor. It has four computers with dual monitors and two printers.
- Please report any problems with lab equipment to the staff at the Circulation Desk.
- No food is permitted in the computer lab. Only beverages in covered containers are permitted in the computer lab.
- All General Library Policies apply equally in the lab. Failure to abide by these policies may result in lab access being revoked.
There is a public scanner outside the computer lab, next to the photocopier. Adherence to UNB's Copyright Guidelines is mandatory.
Public Computers
There are public computers (that don't require a UNB login) located in the Law Library. Printing is available only on the reference desk computer and the microform workstation computer (just inside the entrance).
There is a 30-minute time limit for using public computers. This time limit does not apply when using the specialized equipment attached to the computer, such as the scanner or the microform reader. Users who need to use the aforementioned equipment will have priority, and users at these workstations not using the equipment will be asked to move.
Loaner Laptops
The Law Library has several laptops available to lend to UNB students for use in the library. They may be borrowed from the Circulation Desk for six hours (with a valid UNB student ID). They may be renewed for an additional six hours as needed.
Personal Laptops and Mobile Devices
Wireless access is available throughout the Law Library. To connect your devices, follow the instructions on the ITS website.
IT Support Services
Throughout the academic year, law students may consult the Law Library's Computer Support Student Assistant in the IT Support Office behind the computer lab for help with laptop and/or wireless issues. The Computer Support Student Assistant’s schedule is posted on the office door. If the Computer Support Student Assistant is not available, please go to the IT Service Desk at the Harriet Irving Library. Report any problems with Law Library equipment (printers, scanners, etc.) to the Circulation Desk as soon as possible.