Conference Rooms 

The Law Students Society, the Law Library Committee and individual library users all join with the library staff in asking that library users keep talking to a minimum and speak quietly when in the library. Conference rooms are not soundproof, so even there, voices should be kept at a moderate level. 

All General Library Policies apply to users of the Law Library conference rooms. 

Law Library conference room privileges are assigned to competitive moot teams after the group information meeting with the Head Law Librarian until their moot competition is completed. Generally, the competitive moot teams will share conference rooms. 

Otherwise, the Law Library’s seven conference rooms are available on an ad hoc basis to groups of three or more law students, or to one or more law faculty members, for Law School or Law Library related activities only, as follows:

  • Bookings are handled exclusively by the Law Library. Please make reservations at the Circulation Desk in person or by phone (506-458-7983). Law students may book a conference room up to three (3) days in advance of when the room is to be used.
  • Conference rooms may be reserved by law students for short-term use (three hours or less). At the end of the three-hour period, the room must be relinquished to the next group with a reservation.  If no other group has a reservation, the original group may come to the Circulation Desk and ask to extend their use for another three hours.
  • When conference rooms are not reserved by groups of three or more law students, they may be used for up to three hours by one or two students. Advanced bookings are not available for fewer than three users, and priority will be given to groups of three or more. At the end of the three-hour period, the room must be relinquished to a group with a reservation. If no other group has a reservation, the original one or two students may come to the Circulation Desk and ask to extend their use for another three hours.
  • If a group has booked a conference room for a particular time but has not picked up the key to the room within 30 minutes of the booking time, the room booking is void and the room will be open to other groups for booking.
  • At the end of a group's room booking time, all items must be removed from the room. If items are not removed and the next group shows up for their room booking, Law Library staff may go to the conference room and remove all items from the room.
  • When leaving a conference room, the door must be locked and shut.
  • Conference Room 2 is equipped with multi-media instructional equipment and seating for 25, and it is sometimes reserved for teaching sessions. When it is not in use for teaching, it may be booked in the same manner as the other conference rooms. Groups with a booking in Conference Room 2 may be asked to relinquish the room if, subsequently, it is needed by a law librarian or faculty member for instruction purposes.  Groups using this room are required to return furniture and equipment in the room to its original configuration at the end of their booking.