Upper Year Admissions | Future Students | Faculty of Law | UNB

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Faculty of Law

Upper Year Admissions

All applications are assessed by the faculty and decisions made are at the sole discretion of the faculty. When considering applications to be a transfer, NCA, visiting, or exchange student, in addition to other factors, class size and space availability will be taken into consideration and offers will only be made if there is space available in the classes that the applicant requires.

Some years there will be no such applicants admitted. The Admissions Committee retains the discretion to request any documents, including language test results, that may be necessary to fully assess the application.

The categories of admission listed below are the only categories of admission to the Faculty of Law outside of admission as a first-year student.

NCA, visiting, and exchange students do not graduate with a UNB JD degree from the Faculty of Law.

UNB Law is an in-person law program; if a person is accepted as a transfer, NCA, visiting, or exchange student, the person will be required to be in Fredericton and to attend classes in person.

Upper Year Admissions Categories