Financial Information | Future Students | Faculty of Law | UNB

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Faculty of Law

Financial information

Tuition and fees

While the cost of legal education in Canada has risen substantially in recent years, the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law has been able to maintain moderate tuition fees and a generous financial aid program.

Thanks to the support of the provincial government and university, we have been able to keep our tuition fees competitive with other law schools, while maintaining our position as one of the very best law schools in the country.

UNB Law is committed to ensuring that our program is not only one of the best academically in Canada, but also that it is financially accessible to our students.

In addition to our scholarships, UNB Law offers bursaries and short-term loans to students with financial need.

Application fee

Applications for the 2025-26 academic year will be available by the end of September and must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $125. Payment may be made by credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express). Personal cheques are not accepted. Fee waivers are not offered for the application fee. The confirmation fee required to hold your seat is $300. This fee is non-refundable.

Canadian and international law tuition and fees

See UNB Financial Services for tuition amounts, payment deadlines, payment methods and hours of operation.

Student loan program cost forms

All student loan forms must be sent directly to UNB Financial Services for completion. Forms can be sent to