Admission Requirements | Future Students | Faculty of Law | UNB

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Faculty of Law

Admission requirements

To be considered for admission, applicants must have one of the following qualifications:

Regular category

  • degree from a recognized Canadian university
  • degree from a non-Canadian university acceptable to UNB Law; or in exceptional circumstances
  • in their final year of a four-year degree (120 credits) of full-time academic study
  • exceptional circumstances, at least three years (or 90 credit hours) of full-time academic study at a recognized Canadian university; or

Discretionary and Indigenous categories

  • regular criteria, or
  • demonstrated experience, maturity, and outstanding qualities that indicate an ability to undertake the study of law successfully.


The LSAT (Law School Admissions Test) is required for all admission categories. Although there is no minimum LSAT score required, students with an LSAT score below 150 are unlikely to be admitted.

An applicant who has completed three or more years of university study should have a minimum grade point average in university-level academic courses of 2.7 or better on a 0-4.3 scale, as calculated in accordance with the Admissions Policies. Please note 2.7 is a minimum GPA, and is not competitive for admission purposes as the average is 3.7 on a 4.3 scale. UNB Law uses a re-calculated GPA for admissions purposes.

Letter grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F
Grade point 4.3 4 3.7 3.3 3 2.7 2.3 2 1.5 1 0

If the applicant has completed three years (or equivalent), the lowest 15% of the grades are excluded from the calculation of the applicant’s GPA; if the applicant has completed four or more years (or equivalent), the lowest 25% are excluded; if an applicant is currently in their final year of a four-year degree program, the lowest 25% will be excluded.

Applicants not eligible for admission: 

  • Those in failing academic status in the most recent year of study in another law program;
  • Persons ineligible to continue in their own program due to academic misconduct; and
  • Persons who provide false or misleading statements on their applications to UNB Law.

Application documents required