In the Forestry and Environmental Management program, you’ll learn how to manage all of these things in sustainable ways, solving complex problems for the benefit of current and future generations. You will study:
You will help find solutions to the world’s most pressing environmental issues.
Forestry and Environmental Management at UNB provides the best opportunity for a challenging and productive career in the natural resource sector. It has a proven track record of producing highly sought-after natural resource managers for over 100 years.
We offer a uniquely integrated program structure with capstone real-world projects, indoor/outdoor labs, and a community atmosphere that facilitates a real camaraderie with your classmates and where professors get to know you by your first name.
We help you develop your resume, conduct mock interviews, teach you time and project management skills, how to maintain a job bank, and help connect you with potential employers.
These are plentiful, varied and high paying. Every summer our students gain career-relevant summer work earning between $10-$20,000 per summer. Employers come to our faculty from across Canada each year to interview our students on site.
These are also plentiful, varied and high paying.