Name | Title |
Paul Arp | Professor |
Tom Beckley | Professor |
Janet Blackadar | Associate Teaching Professor |
Charles Bourque | Professor |
Joel Campos | Computer Technician |
Denisha Coelho | Graduate Programs Coordinator |
Allen Curry | Professor |
Graham Forbes | Professor |
Avegay Galinato | Research Financial Clerk |
Amber Gilliss | Graduate Programs Assistant |
Jasen Golding | Teaching Professor |
Meng Gong | Professor |
Michelle Gray | Associate Professor and Dean |
John Kershaw | Professor |
Tommi Linnansaari | Professor |
Rafaella Mayrinck | Assistant Professor |
Fan-Rui Meng | Professor |
Wendy Monk | Visiting Professor |
Laurie Nason | Admin. Officer, Assistant to the Dean |
Joe Nocera | Associate Professor |
Jae Ogilvie | Teaching Professor |
Om Rajora | Professor |
Anthony Taylor | Associate Professor |
Jacob Wagman | Technical Team Lead |
Christopher Wong | Assistant Professor |
Name | Title | Affiliation |
Bergeron, Yves | Professor | Universitè du Quebec |
Buchkowski, Robert | Assistant Professor | Western University |
Cameron, Stewart | Contract Scientist | Wood Science Technology Centre, UNB |
D'Orangeville, Loic | Associate Professor | Laval University |
Furze, Shane | Manager, Forest Productivity R&D | J.D. Irving |
Gu, Hongmei | Research Forest Products Technologist | USDA Forest Products Laboratory |
Hanson, Alan | Head - Aquatic Assessment and Reg. Affairs | Cdn. Wildlife Serv, Env. Can |
Hogan, Derek | Aquatic Science Biologist | Fisheries and Ocean Canada |
Jaeger, Dirk | Chair of Forest Operations, Professor | Georg-August-Univ Germany |
Kaboorani, Alireza | Director, Building Efficiency Tech Acc Centre | Red River College Polytechnic |
Kneeshaw, Daniel | Professor | University of Quebec in Montreal |
Leblon, Brigitte | Professor and Dean | Lakehead University |
Li, Shen | Research Scientist | Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada |
Li, Xiu-Qing | Research Scientist | Potato Research Centre |
Li , Ling | Assist.Professor, School of Forest Resources | University of Maine |
Liang, Kang | Research Associate | University of Maryland |
Qi, Junyu | Associate Research Scientist | Earth System Science Interdis Center |
Skinner, Marc | Section Head, Ocean Stresors and Artic Science | Fisheries and Ocean Canada |
Smith, Ronald | Consultant - Forestry/Agro-forestry | VarFor Ltd. |
St-Hilaire, Andrea | Professor | Univ du Quebec |
Thiffault, Nelson | Research Scientist | Natural Resources Canada |
Thompson, Ian | Wildlife Ecologist | Canadian Forest Service |
Tranquilla, Laura | Atlantic Director | Birds Canada |
Wang, Brad | President & CEO | Canada Low-Carbon Tech |
Westwood, Alana | Assistant Professor | Dalhousie University |
Withey, Patrick | Associate Professor | Dept. of Economics, StFX |
Wyatt, Stephen | Professor | Universite de Moncton |
Zhu, Xinbiao | Research Scientist | Natural Resources Canada |
Name | Title | Affiliation |
Brooks, Cecilia | Contract Academic Instructor | UNB |
Chavardès, Raphael | Research Scientist | NRC New Brunswick |
Dick, Adam | Science Advisor | Cdn Forestry Services |
Harrison, Philip | Research Scientist | UNB |
Langille, Bianca | Emergency Management Coordinator | North Shore Micmac District Council |
Leahy, Jessica | Saunders Distinguished Professor of Forestry | GUniversity of Maine |
MacDonald, Joanne | Research Scientist | Canadian Forest Service |
Major, John | Research Scientist | Natural Resources Canada |
Mei, Chantong | Professor and Dean, College of Materials | Nanjing Forestry University |
Mohammad, Mohammad | Senior Research Advisor | Natural Resources Canada |
Nadeau, Solange | Senior Forest Sociologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Neily, Peter | Director, Forestry Div. | NRC Nova Scotia |
Ogut, Funda | Research Scientist | Canadian Forest Service |
Pedlar, John | Forest Landscape Biologist and Research Scientist | Canadian Forest Service |
Reeder, Kim | Community Development Consultant | Independent Consultant |
Sherrill, Joshua | Forest Productivity Leader | J.D. Irving |
Sleep, Darren | Senior Director, Conservation Strategies | Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. |
Sun, Yuan | Associate Professor, Forest Management | Nanjing Forestry University |
Virgin, Grant | Senior Forestry Planner | J.D. Irving |
Wang, Keri | Director of Biological Services | A&L Canada Laboratories |
Wang, Zhiqiang | Professor | Nanjing Forestry University |
Weiskittel, Aaron | Director, Centre for Research on Sustainability | University of Maine |
Xing, Zisheng | Research Assistant | Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada |
Zhang, Yong | Associate Professor | Nanjing Forestry University |
Diamond, Antony W
BA (Cantab), MSc, PhD (Aberd.), Prof, Atlantic Laboratory for Avian Research, (Joint Biology) Professor Emeritus - 1994
Powell, Graham R
BSc (Edin), MSc (UNB), PhD (Edin), Prof Emeritus - 1996
Smith, Ian
BSc (Sund Polyt), MSc (Durh), PhD, (Polyt S Bank), DSc (S Bank), PEng, Professor Emeritus – 1986