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Transfer from master’s to PhD

Students wanting to transfer from a MSc program to a PhD program may do so only if they obtain the unanimous approval of the Supervisory Committee, if they entered Graduate School with First Division standing, and on the approval of the Forestry and Environmental Management Graduate Studies Committee (FOREMGSC).

This should be done before the end of the second year of residence. Students wishing to enter a PhD program without a master’s will be required to structure their Research Proposal Presentation such that it is clear what they intend to do for their PhD if allowed directly into the PhD, as well as what they would do for a master’s if not allowed directly into the PhD.

The decision of whether to allow the student directly into the PhD program will rest with the FOREMGSC. It is expected that the members of the FOREMGSC will attend the presentation.

A student wishing to transfer to a PhD after completion of the master’s research proposal will have to complete a PhD Research Proposal (including a written proposal) before the end of the second year of residency.

If a student transfers from a master’s program to a Doctoral without completing the master’s degree, the initiation of the Doctoral time in program will be from the date of first registration in the Master's program.