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Faculty of Engineering
UNB Fredericton

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Accelerate your career with co-op

What does co-op do for you?

Co-op is a critical part of your academic degree.

Through co-op you:

  • Get experience that pays off in higher earnings and career growth
  • Take what you learn and use it in a workplace
  • Get to practice your technical skills
  • Develop important interpersonal skills
  • Network with a community who will enable your career
  • Gain experience in your chosen profession
  • Earn income to offset the cost of school
  • Increase your understanding of professional development and job ready skills
  • Develop skills for job searches, interviews and making the most of employment

Employers look for co-operative experience and these skills.

When you complete a minimum of 3 Co-op work terms, you graduate with a Co-operative Education Designation which tells employers you will bring a lot of value to their company.

Co-op Program options

You can participate in the Co-op Program as an engineering undergraduate, engineering graduate or science undergraduate student. Explore the options available to you.

William Sanford, Class of ‘23

During my co-op terms at Michelin I learned many new skills; but the most beneficial are the ones that I could only learn through on-the-job experience. What I enjoyed most was the amount of responsibility I was trusted with as a student.

There was never a project too big or too important for me to participate in; my manager really wanted me to learn as much as I could in the time I was there. I would recommend a co-op with Michelin to anyone who has the opportunity!

Once enrolled at UNB Engineering you can learn more through the MyUNB Intranet.