Financial snapshot

The 2016-17 Operating Fund Statement reports a Structural Operating Deficit before one-time items of $5.3 million, a difference of $1.2 million from the approved budget deficit of $4.1 million.
The net operating deficit after one-time items was $1.5 million (0.8 % of total revenue), $1.1 million better than the approved $2.6 million budget deficit.
UNB received a clean (unqualified) audit opinion by external auditors on the audited consolidated financial statements.

Looking forward
Strategic growth plan
- Using academic plans developed by the faculty and approved by Senates to guide academic program development
- Continuing efforts to recruit and retain the best students
- Providing strong educational, research, and real life experiences
- Linking the academic plan with budget planning to ensure effective resource allocation that is within our economic and financial reality
- Eliminating our operating deficit by 2020-21
- Negotiating a multi-year memorandum of understanding with the Government of New Brunswick to establish predictability of provincial operating grant and student tuition rates