
Students should note that in the Science Faculty the minimum acceptable grade in a course that is required by a particular program or is used to meet a prerequisite, is a "C". Any student who fails to attain a "C" or better in such a course must repeat the course (at the next regular session) until a grade of "C" or better is attained. Students will not be eligible for graduation until such deficiencies are removed. The only exception will be granted for a single course with a "D" grade that is a normal part of the final year of that program, and is being taken for the first time in the final year.

NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.

BIOL1001Biological Principles, Part I3 ch (3C)

Surveys principles of biology from the molecular level to the cell. Topics include an introduction to the structure, function and synthesis of biological molecules, major cellular structures and processes such as proliferation, energy capture and metabolism, and reproduction and heredity. Examples are presented from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Students intending to major in Biology must also take BIOL 1006. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1001 and BIOL 1009.

BIOL1006Applications in Biology, Part I2 ch (3L) (W)

Instruction and laboratory work dealing with applications of Biology at the level of biological molecules and the cell.

Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009.

BIOL1009Biological Principles, Part I 3 ch (WEB)
This course is the online version of BIOL 1001. Students must first take BIOL 1001, or have permission of the BIOL 1001 instructor. The course surveys principles of biology from the molecular level to the cell. Topics include an introduction to the structure, function and synthesis of biological molecules, major cellular structures and processes such as proliferation, energy capture and metabolism, and reproduction and heredity. Examples are presented from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. NOTE: This course is designed for science students. Students intending to major in Biology must also take BIOL 1006. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1001 and BIOL 1009.
BIOL1012Biological Principles, Part II3 ch (3C)

Evolution provides the theoretical framework within which biologists work.  Through a quantitative lens, this course 1) discusses the mechanisms of evolution and speciation; 2) surveys the biological diversity that results from these processes; and 3) describes a variety of metabolic, behavioural, and ecological processes that relate to survival and reproduction. NOTE: Students intending to major in Biology must also take BIOL 1017. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1012 and BIOL 1019.

Prerequisite: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009.

BIOL1017Applications in Biology, Part II2 ch (3L) (W)

Instruction and laboratory work dealing with applications of Biology at the level of organisms and their ecological interactions.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009BIOL 1006. Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019.

BIOL1019Biological Principles, Part II 3 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 1012. Students must first take BIOL 1012, or have permission of the BIOL 1012 instructor. Evolution provides the theoretical framework within which biologists work. Through a quantitative lens, this course 1) discusses the mechanisms of evolution and speculation; 2) surveys the biological diversity the results from these processes; and 3) describes a variety of metabolic, behavioural, and ecological processes that relate to survival and reproduction. NOTE: Students intending to major in Biology must also take BIOL 1017. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1012 and BIOL 1019.

PrerequisiteBIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009.

BIOL1621Introduction to Biology on a Changing Planet3 ch (3C)

Introduces students to the biodiversity, ecology, and evolution of life on Earth through exploration of the ever-changing nature of Earth’s ecosystems. Topics are chosen to help students understand major groups of plants and animals through the history of life; responses of individual organisms, populations, and species to changing environments; climate change in past, present and future; and human impacts on the biosphere. NOTE: This course is not equivalent to BIOL 1001/BIOL 1009 or BIOL 1012/BIOL 1019, and is restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 1001, BIOL 1009BIOL 1012, or BIOL 1019

BIOL1622Introduction to Biology on a Small Scale3 ch (3C)

Introduces students to biological concepts that apply to everyday life. Topics are chosen to help students understand the molecular interactions that are essential for life, the cellular processes that are required for survival and reproduction, and the importance of these to human health, industry, and the environment. NOTE: This course is not equivalent to BIOL 1001/BIOL 1009 or BIOL 1012/BIOL 1019, and is restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 1001BIOL 1009, BIOL 1012, or BIOL 1019. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1622 and BIOL 1629.

BIOL1629Introduction to Biology on a Small Scale 3 ch (WEB)
Introduces students to biological concepts that apply to everyday life. Topics are chosen to help students understand the molecular interactions that are essential for life, the cellular processes that are required for survival and reproduction, and the importance of these to human health, industry, and the environment. NOTE: This course is not equivalent to BIOL 1001/BIOL 1009 or BIOL 1012/BIOL 1019, and is restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 1001, BIOL 1009, BIOL 1012, or BIOL 1019. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1622 and BIOL 1629.
BIOL1711Human Anatomy I4 ch (3C 2L) (LE)

This course is a general study of human anatomy which will include the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous (including eye and ear), cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive. Limited enrolment; priority given to students in Kinesiology, Nursing and Biology-Chemistry (Pre-Health Professions stream). Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

Co-requisite: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009 or permission of the instructor. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1711 and BIOL 1719.

BIOL1719Human Anatomy I 4 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 1711 and includes online lab exercises. Kinesiology students must first take BIOL 1711. BIOL 1719 is available to students prior to enrolment in Nursing, and current Nursing and Kinesiology students with permission of the instructor.  This course is also available to other students (e.g. from Science) as an elective. The course is a general study of human anatomy which will include the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous (including eye and ear), cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive.  

Co- or prerequisite: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009 or permission of the instructor. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1711 and BIOL 1719.


BIOL1782Human Physiology I4 ch (3C 2L)

An introduction to the various systems that comprise the human body. Emphasis will be on integration of these systems for maintenance of homeostasis. Limited enrolment;  priority given to Nursing and Kinesiology students. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective.  

Prerequisite: BIOL 1711 or BIOL 1719. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1782 and BIOL 1789.

BIOL1789Human Physiology I 4 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 1782 and includes online lab exercises. Kinesiology students must first take BIOL 1782. BIOL 1789 is available to students prior to enrolment in Nursing, and current Nursing and Kinesiology students with permission of the instructor. This course is also available to other students (e.g., from Science) as an elective. The course is an introduction to the various systems that comprise the human body. Emphasis will be on integration of these systems for maintenance of homeostasis.

Prerequisite: BIOL 1711 or BIOL 1719. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1782 and BIOL 1789.

BIOL1846New Brunswick Plants and Their Habitats4 ch (C/L) (EL)

An intensive seven day course, normally offered in the summer semester, exploring the floristic diversity of New Brunswick concentrating on the southern region. There will be an emphasis on plant identification and an introduction to botanical classification. The program for each day consists of morning lectures and lab work, afternoons in the field, and evenings with more lectures and lab work. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

BIOL2003Introduction to Ecology3 ch (3C)

Ecology is the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment.  We begin by introducing the physical environment as a template for evolved structures, processes, traits, and systems.  The discussion then moves to adaptations of evolved systems across scales from photo/chemosynthesis to individual organisms to populations to communities to ecosystems, and emphasizing energy flow and nutrient cycling.  An overall theme is the effects of human activities on ecosystem structures and functions.  Students are also introduced to statistics for ecology.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012, or BIOL 1019BIOL 1017

Co-requisite: BIOL 2008 or equivalent.
BIOL2008Laboratory in Ecology3 ch (1C 3L) (W)

This course is a companion course to BIOL 2003. In this course, students use laboratory experiments to investigate core concepts in energy and nutrient acquisition by terrestrial and aquatic organisms.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017.

Co-requisite: BIOL 2003.

BIOL2023Introductory Biochemistry 3 ch (3C)

An overview of the processes required for life from biochemical, molecular, genetic and cellular perspectives. Major topics will include the structure and function of biological macromolecules, and the pathways and mechanisms of gene expression, enzymes, and cell signalling.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017; CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1012, CHEM 1017, or CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1982, CHEM 1987.

Co-requisite: BIOL 2028. Pre- or co-requisite: CHEM 2401 or CHEM 2421 or permission of the instructor. Chemistry (Majors and Honours) students and Chemical Engineering students are not required to have taken BIOL 1006 and BIOL 1017.
BIOL2028Laboratory in Biochemistry3 ch (1C 3L)

This course teaches experimental techniques used to investigate processes required for life from biochemical, molecular, genetic and cellular perspectives.  Topics will include the quantitative analysis of biological macromolecules, gene expression, enzyme kinetics, and cell signaling.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017; CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1012, 1017, or CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1982, CHEM 1987.

Co-requisite: BIOL 2023. Pre- or co-requisite: CHEM 2401 or CHEM 2421 or permission of the instructor. Chemistry (Majors and Honours) students and Chemical Engineering students are not required to have taken BIOL 1006 and BIOL 1017.

BIOL2053Introductory Genetics3 ch (3C 1T)

Basic concepts of classical genetics including Mendelian genetics, gene interactions, sex linkage, linkage mapping and recombination, complementation are introduced. These are integrated with current topics including gene and chromosome structure and function, mutation, gene expression, transposable elements, extra nuclear genetics, quantitative and population genetics. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017

BIOL2063Biological Diversity3 ch (3C)

Biological diversity, life on planet Earth, is an interconnected continuum in time and space. All life is connected through genetic ancestry, but also through interactions in and with changing environments.  The course provides students with a well-rounded understanding of biological diversity, including the concepts of and tools to study biological diversity, the innovations underlying the large biological diversity on our planet, a broad overview of biological diversity on our planet in the past and present, and importance of biological diversity to humans and the biosphere we inhabit.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017.

Co-requisite: BIOL 2068.

BIOL2068Laboratory in Biological Diversity3 ch (1C 3L)

This course is a companion course to BIOL 2063. It provides training in generating and interpreting phylogenetic trees; provides exposure to molecular and morphological data (in extant and extinct organisms) to identify organisms and test hypotheses about their relationships; provides exposure to a variety of different organisms to explore key innovations that have led to changes in biological diversity; and teaches techniques to study organisms and biological diversity (computer software, binomial keys, microscopy, dissection, comparative observation, and sampling and collecting).

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017.

Co-requisite: BIOL 2063.

BIOL2103Evolution3 ch (3C)
An introduction to evolutionary theory explaining biological unity and diversity, from pre-Darwinian ideas to current issues in evolutionary biology. Theoretical and empirical studies are integrated to elucidate evolutionary processes and outcomes. Upon course completion, students will be able to summarize the evidence supporting evolutionary theory and its historical development, describe mechanisms of evolutionary change above and below the species level, and explain the evolution of common life histories and behaviours. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012 or BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017

Co-requisite: BIOL 2053.
BIOL2251Clinical Microbiology3 ch (3C)

This course (i) covers aspects of the biology of microorganisms from a clinical perspective, (ii) provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of infectious disease microbiology, and (iii) discusses microbial diseases affecting the skin, nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, and urinary and reproductive systems. NOTE: This course is not equivalent to BIOL 3261, and is restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 3261. As well, Biology honours majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 2251 and BIOL 2259.

BIOL2259Clinical Microbiology3 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 2251. BIOL 2259 is available to current Nursing students with permission of the instructor. It (i) covers aspects of the biology of microorganisms from a clinical perspective, (ii) provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of infectious disease microbiology, and (iii) discuss microbial diseases affecting the skin, nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, and urinary and reproductive systems. NOTE: This course is not equivalent to BIOL 3261, and is restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 3261. As well, Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 2251 and BIOL 2259.

BIOL2289Work Term ICr

A written report on the scientific activities of the work term in a field of Biology as part of the Co-operative Education program in Science. Credit for the course is dependent in part on the employer's evaluation of the student's work. (Students must have a GPA of 2.7 or better for BIOL Co-op placement.)

BIOL2372Paleontology (Cross-Listed: ESCI 2272)4 ch (2C 3L) (W)
Provides an overview of the evolution of life on Earth, its origin, diversification and its gradual expression from sea to land. Focus is on the processes leading to fossilization and on the major events of the evolution of life. Students are introduced to taxonomy and ecology of the non-vertebrate groups most commonly represented in the fossil record, with special attention for the fossilizable parts and their significance towards understanding the evolution of the total-biosphere. Further emphasis is on how fossilized remains and traces of organisms can be used in the fields of stratigraphy, paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Credit may not be obtained for both ESCI 2272 and BIOL 2372.

One pairing of either ESCI 1001 / ESCI 1052 and ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1036/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703, or ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041 and ESCI 1017/ESCI 1046
BIOL2501Pathophysiology I3 ch (3C) (LE)

Introduces students to the study of the disruption of the normal balance of selected systems of the human body by disease and other perturbations. Limited enrolment. Nursing students and BMLS students have first priority; others need permission of the instructor. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. NOTE: Credit will not be given for BIOL 2501 and BIOL 2509.

 Prerequisite: BIOL 1782 or BIOL 1789

BIOL2509Pathophysiology I3 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 2501. BIOL 2509 is available to students prior to enrolment in Nursing, and current Nursing and BMLS students with permission of the instructor. This course is also available to other students (e.g., from Science) as an elective. The course introduces students to the study of the disruption of the normal balance of selected systems of the human body by disease and other perturbations. NOTE: Credit will not be given for both BIOL 2501 and BIOL 2509.

Prerequisite: BIOL 1782 or BIOL 1789

BIOL2513Pathophysiology II3 ch (3C) (LE)

A continuation of BIOL 2501 with emphasis on perturbations to the normal functioning of organ systems.  Limited enrolment. Nursing students and BMLS students have first priority; others need permission of the instructor. Biology majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. NOTE: Credit will not be given for both BIOL 2513 and BIOL 2519.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2501 or BIOL 2509

BIOL2519Pathophysiology II3 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 2513, and is a continuation of BIOL 2501 (or BIOL 2509) with emphasis on perturbations to the normal functioning of organ systems. BIOL 2519 is available to current Nursing and BMLS students with permission of the instructor. This course is also available to other students (e.g. from Science) as an elective. NOTE: Credit will not be given for both BIOL 2513 and BIOL 2519.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2501 or BIOL 2509.

BIOL2629Virtual Techniques in Molecular Biology3 ch (3C)
This online course teaches the theory and demonstrates the techniques used to investigate processes required for life from biochemical, molecular, genetic, and cellular perspectives. Topics will include the recombinant DNA technology, DNA analysis, gene expression, and protein analysis. NOTE: Not equivalent to BIOL 2028, and restricted to students who have not received prior credit for BIOL 2028.

Prerequisites: one of BIOL 1001, BIOL 1009, BIOL 1622, BIOL 1629, or permission of the instructor.
BIOL2721Human Physiology II4 ch (3C 2L) (LE)

This course is a continuation of BIOL 1782/BIOL 1789 with emphasis on metabolism, muscle and bone physiology, immune responses and healing. Limited enrolment; Kinesiology students have first priority. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 1782 or BIOL 1789.

BIOL2759Physiology and Pathophysiology for Licensed Practical Nurses4 ch (WEB)

Builds on the knowledge gained in the Practical Nurses program and will enhance the understanding of human physiology, and pathophysiological mechanisms and disease processes. The course will build on the student’s previous clinical or classroom experience. It is online and only open to students in the Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing Pathway program. It includes online tutorials.

Prerequisite: Admission into the Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing Pathway program
BIOL2761Human Physiology - Metabolism3 ch (3C)

This is an introductory level course in human physiology. Selected topics covered include metabolism, muscle and bone physiology, the immune system, healing and homeostasis. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. NOTE: Credit will be given for only one of BIOL 2761, BIOL 2769, or BIOL 2721.

 Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009BIOL 1006

BIOL2769Human Physiology - Metabolism3 ch (WEB)

This course is the online version of BIOL 2761. Students must first take BIOL 2761, or have permission from the instructor. This is an introductory course in human physiology. Selected topics covered include metabolism, muscle and bone physiology, the immune system, healing and hometostasis. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology credit, only as an elective. NOTE: Credit will be given for only one of BIOL 2769, BIOL 2761, or BIOL 2721.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 or BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006.

BIOL2792Human Physiology - Systems3 ch (3C)

This course will introduce students to the various systems that comprise the human body with emphasis on the integration of these systems for maintenance of homeostasis. The systems that will be covered in detail are the cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, renal system, endocrine system, gastro-intestinal system and the nervous system. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. NOTE: Credit will be given for only one of BIOL 2792, BIOL 1782, or BIOL 1789.

BIOL3013Advanced Genetics3 ch (3C)

Develop knowledge about genetic analysis and its applications in research. Among the topics, we explore: (a) gene types and approaches used to identify and characterize them, (b) use of model organisms, (c) effects of DNA packaging and epigenetics on genes, (d) forward and reverse genetics, (e) human genetic variation, and (f) selected applications of genetic analysis. We develop an uderstanding of the concepts of experimental design, methodology, and interpretation of results by examining specific examples from the research literature.

Prerequisites: One of the pairs (BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018) or (BIOL 2053, and BIOL 2013),  BIOL 2023, or equivalent.

BIOL3033Cell Signalling (A)3 ch (3C)

Examines the principles of gene expression and cellular regulation. The perception of extra- and intracellular signals, intracellular signal transduction pathways and the control of cell function will be examined while emphasizing experimental approaches. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 2023.  Strongly Recommended: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2053.

BIOL3043Cell Biology3 ch (3C)

An examination of the structure and function of cells, focusing on the molecules and molecular mechanisms mediating the activities of membranes, cellular compartments, protein and vesicular transport and targeting, cytoskeletal construction and dynamics, the cell cycle, regulation of cell size, cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, cellular differentiation and the development of multicellular organisms. The course also focuses on how the knowledge in cellular biology was obtained, on the limits to our understanding, and on current advances.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2053, BIOL 2023. Strongly recommended: BIOL 2028.

BIOL3058Genetic Analysis Laboratory (O)4 ch (2C 3L) (LE)

An exploration of gene inheritance, mutation, regulation of gene expression, and genetic interactions. The laboratories involve the use of model eukaryotic organisms to ask questions about physiology and development at the organismal, cellular and molecular levels. Limited enrolment.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2023, BIOL 2028; and one of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103.

BIOL3073Biochemistry of Gene Expression3 ch (3C)

The structures and functions of all biological entities are dependent upon regulated gene expression. In this course, we will explore selected topics in gene expression from a molecular genetic and biochemical perspective. Topics may include: genome and gene structure, the processes of transcription and translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the structures and functions of RNA polymerase and the ribosome, the fine scale structures of gene promoters, and a detailed mechanistic examination of how gene expression is regulated in the cell. Note: Students will download and use a free molecular modelling program in this course; a laptop computer is strongly recommended.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2053, BIOL 2023, BIOL 2063. Recommended: BIOL 2028

BIOL3083Botany5 ch (3C 3L) (LE) (W)

During the course of their lives, plants must perform all of the same functions as animals to survive: find a suitable place to live, acquire resources, find a mate, and defend themselves from enemies. However, plants are at an apparent disadvantage in comparison to most animals because they must perform all of these activities without the benefit of mobility. Yet, it is a green world and so this handicap is more apparent than real. This course explores the great diversity of plants, and examines their form in relation to function to understand how plants manage to meet the challenges faced by all organisms. Limited enrolment. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL3113Evolutionary Ecology (A)5 ch (3C 3L) (EL)

This lecture and lab-based course explores key ideas about ecological causes of evolutionary change. Topics will include natural and sexual selection, life histories, phenotypic plasticity, mating systems, evolutionary conflict, and co-evolution.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, and one of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103

BIOL3149Independent Studies3 ch (R) (W)

Allows academically strong, highly motivated students to write a report on a subject of interest. The student should discuss the topic with the staff member best qualified to give approval of the subject matter and to give guidance during the year. Application is made to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Biology Department).

BIOL3162Developmental Biology of Animals3 ch (3C)

An exploration of animal development from fertilization to death, with emphasis on the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Students will gain an understanding of how the knowledge in development biology was obtained, and of gaps in knowledge and current research.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2053, BIOL 2023, BIOL 2063. Strongly recommended: BIOL 3043.

BIOL3173Marine Biology Field Course (O)4 ch (C/L/T) (LE)

Introduces the study of the seashore and coastal waters. Emphasizes nature and ecology of littoral flora and fauna and practical methods of study. Held at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews, N.B. over 5–8 days at the end of the winter semester. Students will be charged for travel and costs associated with the course. Limited enrollment.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003 or equivalent or permission, of the instructor.

BIOL3207Microbiology Laboratory 4 ch (1C 4L) (W)

Biochemical, molecular and genetic methods are applied to the study of bacteria. Projects examine cell structure, function and physiological responses of bacteria.

PrerequisitesBIOL 2023, BIOL 2028.

Recommended: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, BIOL 3261.
BIOL3241Molecular Evolution3 ch (3C)

Provides a synthesis of our understanding of evolution at the molecular level. Covers the dynamics of evolutionary change (i.e., rates and patterns), the driving forces behind the evolutionary process, the effects of various molecular mechanisms and processes on the structure and evolution of genes and genomes. Each student will conduct an independent bioinformatics project to apply concepts and principles covered in lectures and paper discussions. 

Prerequisites: One of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103BIOL 2023.

BIOL3261Microbiology3 ch (3C)

Principles of prokaryotic, cell biology, including cell structures and their function, metabolism and growth, and regulation of cellular processes. Topics include the response of bacteria to environmental factors, bacterial-host interactions, and molecular and genomic tools to study microbiology.

PrerequisitesBIOL 2013 or BIOL 2053, BIOL 2023, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL3279Work Term IICr

A written report on the scientific activities of the work term in a field of Biology as part of the Co-operative Education program in Science. Credit for the course is dependent in part on the employer's evaluation of the student's work.(Students must have a GPA of 2.7 or better for BIOL Co-op placement.)

Prerequisite: Work term I in a field of Science .

BIOL3289Work Term IIICr

A written report on the scientific activities of the work term in a field of Biology as part of the Co-operative Education Program in Science. Credit for the course is dependent in part on the employer’s evaluation of the student’s work. (Students must have a GPA 2.7 or better for BIOL Co-op placement.)

Prerequisite: Work Term II in a field of Science.

BIOL3293Population Genetics4 ch (3C 2L)

An introduction to the branch of evolutionary biology concerned with the genetic structure of populations and how it changes through space and time. Topics will include the main evolutionary forces and their effects on patterns of phenotypic and molecular variation within and among populations, molecular markers and their applications in evolutionary and conservation biology, and an introduction to unifying concepts such as the genetics of speciation, molecular evolution, and population genomics. Laboratory sessions will emphasize the use of different computer packages for the analysis and interpretation of the data encountered in population genetics.

Prerequisites: One of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103; STAT 2264 or equivalent. Recommended: BIOL 2003.

BIOL3311Immunobiology3 ch (3C)

Production and function of the immunoglobulins, characteristics of immunogens, prevention of infectious disease, hypersensitivity and allergy, transplantation and autoimmune diseases.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2023 or permission of the instructor. Recommended: BIOL 3043.

BIOL3323Introduction to Cellular Neurobiology3 ch (3C)
Introduces the cellular and molecular bases of nervous system function in animals. We will learn what distinguishes neurons from other cell types, survey how neurons communicate with each other, and examine how they are organized into functional circuits. We will apply these basic principles towards understanding the specific mechanisms underlying the function of sensory systems and their behavioural outputs. Examples from the primary literature will be considered.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2023, BIOL 2028. Strongly Recommended: one of BIOL 3033, BIOL 3043.
BIOL3383Research Foundations in Field Ecology (O)4 ch (C/L/T) (LE)

Introduces field biology with emphasis on the organism, population and ecosystem levels of complexity. Based on direct observation, field techniques and analysis. Held over 5-8 days just prior to the beginning of the academic year. Further work must be completed during the Fall term. The location of this course may vary; depending upon the location, overnight accommodation may be required. Students will be charged for travel and costs associated with the courseLimited enrolment.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, or equivalent. 

BIOL3412Plant Physiology and Development5 ch (3C, 3L)
An examination of how plants function, divided into three modules: (i) interactions with the environment, focusing on how plants acquire water and nutrients, transport them, use them, and control their concentrations; (ii) biochemistry and metabolism, focusing on how plants acquire energy and transform it into usable forms, and how plants construct the compounds they need; (iii) growth and development, focusing on how plants achieve their size and shape, and how they respond to environmental stimuli. Plant physiology within the context of other fields, such as evolutionary biology and ecology, is also discussed. For example, many of the physiological differences between members of the plant kingdom represent unique adaptations to the environment. From an ecological perspective, these adaptations influence the abundance and geographic distribution of species across the planet. The lab provides training in physiological measurements, writing abstracts, and constructing graphs. 

Prerequisites: Two of the following pairs of courses: BIOL 2003 and BIOL 2008, BIOL 2063 and BIOL 2068, BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, BIOL 2023 and BIOL 2028, BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103; or permission of the instructor. 
BIOL3453Plants and People3 ch (3C)

Plants have shaped people by influencing almost every aspect of our lives: how we live, eat, heal, and play. Likewise we continue to shape plants and plant communities through our desire for particular traits, products and environments. In this course we will discuss the biological, sociological and economic impact of our use of plants for food, drugs, shelter, landscaping and more. We will also explore some of New Brunswick’s important plant based economies such as lumber, potatoes and brewing. Course evaluation will focus on student projects/presentations of a chosen relevant topic.

Prerequisites: One of BIOL 2063 or FOR 2425 or equivalent or permission of the instructor.

BIOL3493Introduction to Virology3 ch (3C)
This course covers the fundamental features of virology including the structure and classification of viruses. We will examine the processes of viral attachment, replication, expression and assembly, and discuss various virus-host interactions including transmission, latency, evolution and disease. Modern advances in virology will also be addressed such as antivirals, vaccines, prion diseases and viral ecology.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2023.

BIOL3541Plant Ecology (A)5 ch (3C 3L)

A course on the factors affecting the distribution and abundance of plants, how pattern and structure at the level of populations and communities can be described quantitatively, and how these arise from the interaction of abiotic (climate, fire, soil) and biotic (competition, herbivory) factors.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008.

BIOL3559Ethnobotany3 ch (WEB)

Plants have been used by humans throughout recorded history for food, shelter, recreation, and therapeutic purposes. This is an online introduction to the field of ethnobotany, the study of human uses of, and relationships with, plants. Though many types of uses are discussed, the main focus is on plants with significant medical, poisonous, or psychoactive properties and their use by humans.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or equivalents; or permission of the instructor.

Recommended: BIOL 3083.

BIOL3581Molecular Genomic Techniques in Environmental Microbiology (A)4 ch (1C, 4L)

Students will be trained in the use of diverse laboratory and computational approaches for the study of microbial organisms in the environment. The techniques include microscopy and basic identification, preparation of culture media, establishment of cell cultures from environmental samples, use of diverse DNA extraction methods, gel electrophoresis, PCR applications, generation of metabarcoding and genomic data (high-throughput DNA sequencing), and the use of computation tools for sequence data analysis. At the end of the course, students will have a broad and integrative view of contemporary tools widely used to study microbial diversity and abundance.   

Prerequisites: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103, BIOL 2023, BIOL 2028, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL3593Introductory Histology (A)3 ch (3C)

Histology, or micro-anatomy, is the study of cells, tissues, and organs using microscopic techniques.  The aim of this course is to integrate both the form and function of animal tissues (with a focus on human tissues), and examine why tissues and cells are arranged the way they are. At the end of the course, students should be able to identify and describe histological images and understand how the cellular arrangement of organs enables them to perform specialized functions.  This course is intended for upper level undergraduates having at least some knowledge of cell biology, and will be of particular interest to students wanting a career in biomedical sciences and health professions.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2023.

BIOL3603Invertebrate Zoology 5 ch (3C 3L)

A study of the invertebrate phyla, emphasizing evolutionary origins, adaptive morphology and physiology, while covering anatomical ground plans and basic developmental patterns. Laboratory exercises include numerous dissections, and students doing an anatomical atlas of an invertebrate animal of their choice.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL3633Biological Oceanography (O)3 ch (3C)

This course considers how oceans, which cover more than 70% of the earth's surface, act as a dominant environmental force. It examines the processes regulating the abundance, diversity, distribution and production of microbes, phytoplankton, zooplankton and high trophic levels. By exploring the influence of physical factors (i.e. tides, waves, upwelling, light), we will see how temporal and spatial scales are critical for understanding the living ocean. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003; and CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1012, CHEM 1017. Recommended: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068. NOTE: Students planning to take the Marine Block Semester should take BIOL 3633 in advance. 

BIOL3673General Parasitology3 ch (3C)

The biology of parasites of humans, animals of veterinary significance, and wildlife species. This course serves to integrate parasite life history, epidemiology, molecular interactions at the host-parasite interface, mechanisms of infection, host immune responses, parasite immune evasion mechanisms, pathology, diagnostics, control strategies, and therapeutics. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 2023. Recommended: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL3703Vertebrate Zoology 5 ch (3C 3L) (LE)

Stresses interrelationships between structure and function particularly as responses to a variable environment. Considers phylogeny and taxonomy of major groups. Limited enrolment.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL3713Advanced Human Anatomy (A)3 ch (3C)
This course takes a detailed look at the regional anatomy of the human body with emphasis on the head/neck, trunk, upper limb, and lower limb. Particular focus will be paid to the bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerves and clinically important surface anatomy of each of these four body regions.

BIOL 1711 Human Anatomy I. Credit cannot be obtained for both BIOL 3713 and BIOL 2812.
BIOL3802Animal Physiology3 ch (3C)

This course examines, at a fundamental level, the ways by which animals function, with an emphasis on physiological adaptations to the environment. Topics covered include respiration and circulation, metabolism and bioenergetics, thermal adaptation, ionic and osmotic regulation, and integrative neuromuscular, endocrine and sensory physiology.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2023 or permission of the instructor. Strongly recommended: BIOL 2063.

BIOL3812Comparative Vertebrate Endocrinology3 ch (3C)

This course uses a comparative approach to examine hormonal regulation of ingestion, digestion, metabolism, reproduction and maintenance of homeostasis in vertebrates.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2023.

BIOL3833Forensic Biology3 ch (3C)

Death is inevitable for all organisms; yet we are fascinated by death because, for most of us, it remains a mystery. This course will give students a foundation in the diverse field of forensic biology by examining the anatomical, physiological and biochemical basis of selected causes of death (forensic pathology), and investigating the processes and factors influencing human decomposition in a variety of conditions and environments (forensic taphonomy). It will also provide an introduction to other forensic sciences related to anthropology, ecology, entomology, and toxicology. NOTE: Credit can only be obtained for one of BIOL 3833 or BIOL 3839.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2053, or permission of the instructor.

BIOL3839Forensic Biology I 3 ch (WEB)

Analyze and interpret information in the diverse field of forensic biology by examining the medical basis of selected causes of death (forensic pathology) and investigate the factors influencing human decomposition in a variety of conditions and environments (forensic taphonomy). Forensic science subdisciplines related to anthropology, ecology, entomology, and toxicology are also explored. Credit can only be obtained for one of BIOL 3833 or BIOL 3839.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2053 or permission of the instructor. 
BIOL3843Forensic Biology II3 ch (3C)

This course is a continuation of BIOL 3833 Forensic Biology I. Topics will include forensic pathology, discussion of taphonomic experiments and standardized decomposition data, estimations of post-mortem interval, and the role of stable isotope analysis in forensic biology.

Prerequisite: BIOL 3833.
BIOL3873Ethology 3 ch (3C)

An introduction to the study and evolution of animal behaviour, and the adaptive value of behaviour. The course focuses on ecological and evolutionary aspects, both the ultimate causes and effects of animal behaviour (why these behaviours are adaptive) and the proximate mechanisms by which behaviours are elicited (e.g., neural or hormonal mechanisms and control). Students also examine a behavioural aspect of their choice in small groups, and summarize the current scientific understanding for that specific behaviour using the four levels of analysis of animal behaviour. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2103; or permission of the instructor.

BIOL3883Entomology (O)5 ch (3C 3L)

Ecology, evolution, taxonomy, and diversity of insects, both terrestrial and aquatic. This course studies the most diverse group of animals on Earth: the Insecta. Topics include insect body plans, growth, and development; major evolutionary groups of insects; ecological and economic importance of insects; insect collection and identification. Students will make and curate insect collections (this will be accomplished most easily by students who begin the summer before taking the course; interested students should contact the instructor for more information).

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or permission of the instructor. 

BIOL3908Laboratory Studies in Vertebrate Physiology 3C (3C/L) (LE) (W)

This companion course to BIOL 3802 investigates physiological concepts through experimentation with live animals. A significant portion of the course is dedicated to independent laboratory projects. Emphasis is placed on learning how to interpret and present data for conference presentation and journal publication. Limited enrolment. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 2028 and STAT 2264 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor. Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 3802.

BIOL3933Practical Computing in Biology4 ch (2C 3L) (LE) (P)

Recent advances in technology allow biologists to generate huge amounts of data in different fields such as genetics, ecology, and neuroscience. For many problems, manual data analysis is no longer possible, and biology is becoming increasingly quantitative and computationally intensive. In this course, you will learn how to approach biological problems using a basic toolkit including text processing, shell scripting, programming, data management, and data display. Previous programming experience is not required.

Pre- or co-requisiteSTAT 2264 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
BIOL3943Hypothesis Testing in Biology3 ch (3C/S)

This course provides an introduction to methods that Biologists use to address, develop and test hypotheses in biology. We will ask: How do students, researchers, and professionals in biology set up questions for their research and/or assess evidence? How do they design their experiments? What traps and pitfalls do they know to look out for? How do we know if a scientific study is flawed? This course focuses more on ideas about why we do statistics and how to interpret them, rather than the mathematical details of different tests. Examples will range from cell biology to community ecology. Students will be exposed to a range of computer software necessary to explore, interpret and understand data and test hypotheses. This course will be important for students taking upper-year lab or field courses and Honours by thesis.

Prerequisite: STAT 2264 or equivalent. 

BIOL4043Cellular Metabolism (A)3 ch (3C/S)

Life is a chemical phenomenon. Its maintenance requires the input of energy, acquisition of electrons and essential elements from the environment, and metabolic schemes to synthesize the biological molecules required for cellular viability and replication. This course examines the unifying biochemical concepts underlying diverse metabolic strategies utilized by prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2023, BIOL 2063, CHEM 2401 or CHEM 2421. Strongly recommended: BIOL 3033, BIOL 3043, BIOL 3073, BIOL 3261.
BIOL4090Honours Thesis Project9 ch (W) (EL)

Project-based course open to students in their final year of study as part of an Honours by Thesis in Biology or in an interdepartmental program involving Biology (e.g., Biology-Chemistry). Involves preparation, design and execution of a research project under the direct supervision of a member of the Department. The end products are a written thesis and defense of the thesis in a seminar presentation. A minimum commitment of 9 scheduled hours per week is required throughout the year. Additional information about the Honours program will be provided to students in their third year, at which time students should approach members of the Biology faculty about potential positions. Students who have secured a supervisor should apply to with an email that includes the proposed supervisor(s) and a 1–2 paragraph description of the proposed project. Applications should normally be submitted before March 15th of the year prior to their proposed project (though advanced planning may be required to facilitate field work during the summer months, etc.). Enrolment is subject to project availability. Minimum CGPA for acceptance is 3.0. A student cannot receive credit for both BIOL 4090 and BIOL 4149Students who are unsuccessful in securing a position in BIOL 4090 are encouraged to pursue an Honours by Course, and should meet with an academic advisor to discuss this option.

BIOL4123Evolutionary Medicine3 ch (3C)

“Nothing makes sense except in the light of evolution” (Dobzhansky, 1964). Evolutionary (or Darwinian) Medicine is a relatively new field at the intersection of evolution and medicine that uses evolutionary theory and approaches to (i) address questions related to the molecular and physiological mechanisms that underlie health and disease, (ii) understand why we are susceptible to disease, and (iii) explore ways to prevent and treat disease. This course provides (i) an overview of evolutionary theory and principles as they apply to the evolution of multicellularity, development and defense mechanisms, and (ii) a framework to appreciate the role of evolution in health and disease (including cancer, aging, and infectious diseases).

Prerequisites: One of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103BIOL 2023Recommended: BIOL 3043.

BIOL4149Senior Research Project5 ch (W) (EL)

Gives academically strong and highly motivated students in Year IV an opportunity to do a literature or research project on a subject of interest. The student should discuss the topic with the staff member best qualified to give approval of the subject matter and to give guidance during the year. Application is made to the Biology Director of Undergraduate Studies. A student cannot receive credit for both BIOL 4090 and BIOL 4149. 

BIOL4182Experimental Embryology (A)4 ch (2C 3L) (LE) (EL)

This course provides students with opportunities to directly observe and independently investigate aspects of embryonic development, primarily using zebrafish embryos. The development of other species is discussed, and occasionally investigated in the lab, to provide evolutionary and theoretical context. The embryonic origins of specific organ systems and structures, developmental mechanisms underlying the processes of pattern formation, and the molecular basis of some major tissue remodeling events are studied. As well, students gain experience with advanced microscopic techniques. The course culminates with a substantive independent research project. Limited enrolment. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 3043. Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 3162.

BIOL4191Wildlife Management3 ch (3C)

Studies biological, economic, and human factors affecting wildlife populations.

Prerequisite: BIOL 2003 or permission of the instructor

BIOL4211Marine Research Experience2 ch (3L) (LE) (EL)
Students enrolled in the Marine Block semester will be introduced to the research themes and practices in the laboratories of their professors. Groups of students will cycle through all of the marine research labs for hands on research experience throughout the semester. Students will be expected to compile short scientific-style reports outlining the results of their respective projects in each research laboratory experience. Limited enrolment. Normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4221, BIOL 4641, BIOL 4691 or BIOL 4851 or BIOL 4981, BIOL 4991 as part of the Marine Biology concentration.
BIOL4221Diversity, Evolution and Ecology of Marine Plants5 ch (C/L/S) (LE) (EL)

This course will survey the diversity of marine plants (seaweed and phytoplankton) relative to one another and the other key lineages of life; exploring their diverse anatomical, cytological, life history and ecological attributes. In the laboratory students will use microscopy to explore vegetative and reproductive features of the various marine plants in our area. A significant component of the laboratory portion of the course will derive from work in the field collecting specimens for personal herbaria and completing biodiversity assessments (a cost may be associated with this trip). 

PrerequisitesBIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or permission of the instructor. Limited enrolment. Normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211, BIOL 4641, BIOL 4691 or  BIOL 4851 or BIOL 4981, BIOL 4991 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration. 

BIOL4233Conservation Biology3 ch (3C)

An overview of the theory and practice of maintaining biological diversity at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. The course focuses on scientific principles and technical tools in conservation biology. 

Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 2003 or permission of the instructor. 

BIOL4272Science Communication (A)3 ch (4S) (LE) (W)

The ability to effectively communicate scientific principles to a general audience is an important skill with applications in business, education, government, and all science and healthcare-based professions. The course will focus on a variety of science communication formats to help students plan and execute approaches for communicating recent advancements in biology from the academic literature. Students will practice their communication skills through writing a science blog or a related medium. Our central focus will be popular science, but students will also work on communication using illustrations, presentations, and other creative works. Classes will involve discussion, writing exercises, and group work to practice clear and effective communication. The course is aimed at students in their last year of a Biology program, or an interdepartmental programs that includes: Biology. May only be taken by students who have completed the second-year core courses through their program.

Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

BIOL4289Work Term IVCr

A written report on the scientific activities of the work term in a field of Biology as part of the Co-operative Education Program in Science. Credit for the course is dependent in part on the employer’s evaluation of the student’s work. (Students must have a GPA of 2.7 or better for BIOL Co-op placement.)

Prerequisite: Work term III in a field of Science.

BIOL4302Microbial Biotechnology (O)3 ch (C/S)

For thousands of years, even long before they were known to exist, microorganisms have been employed by humans to produce and preserve food and to protect human health. Today, knowledge of the biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology of microorganisms has accelerated the development of new and improved biological products and processes. In this course we will examine the production and application of microbial biotechnology products that can solve problems in agriculture, medicine, industry, and the environment.  This will include an exploration of the economic, social, and safety concerns associated with the commercialization of these products. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 3261.
BIOL4351Climate Change and Environmental Response3 ch (3C)

Examines theories and patterns of climate change since the last Ice Age. A variety of paleoecological techniques applied to a number of fossil organisms will be discussed in relation to the information they yield about past environments. 

 Prerequisites: Introductory course in anthropology, biology, or geology. May only be taken by students who have completed two years of their program.

BIOL4393Trophic and Food Web Ecology3 ch (2C 2L) (LE)

As children we are told that 'you are what you eat', but as ecologists we learn that 'you are what, where, when, and how you eat'. This course explores the diverse topics ecologies observed in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine consumers, and how these ecologies interact to form complex food webs in each of these biomes. The course outlines the methods by which ecologists can measure consumer trophic ecology in addition to food web size and complexity. You will learn how to measure consumer niche width, trophic interactions and food web structure using consumer diet, stable isotope  ratios and essential fatty acid profiles. Finally, the course examines the effects of environmental stressors such as climate change, biological invasions and land use on food web structure. NOTE: Credit can only be obtained for one of BIOL 6393 or BIOL 4393.  

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003 and BIOL 2008 , or FOR 2113, or equivalent.
BIOL4443International Ecology Field Course (A)4 ch (C/L/T) (LE) (EL)

Exposes students to an understanding of ecological interactions of soil, climate, plants and animals. A field trip of approximately 10 days to an international research site is required. Seminars will be held in the period before the field trip. Students will be charged for travel and costs associated with the course. Limited enrolment. Open to biology and FOREM students, with permission of the instructor.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, or equivalent. 
BIOL4463Scientific Writing 3 ch (3C/S) (LE) (W)

A workshop and project-oriented course in scientific writing. The primary focus is on writing the journal paper. Enrolling students must have a research project (Honours thesis or other) advanced enough to be written up as part of the course activity, and must be able to share drafts with classmates. Limited enrolment.

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Credit can only be obtained for one of BIOL 6463, BIOL 4483, or BIOL 4463.
BIOL4523Phylogenetics5 ch (3C 3L)
Methods for inferring evolutionary trees and their applications to the fields of comparative biology, molecular evolution, and systematics. Topics to be covered include sequence alignment, phylogenetic inference, ancestral character state reconstruction, comparative methods, and molecular adaptation. Labs emphasize practical experience in data analysis. Credit cannot be obtained for both BIOL 4523 and BIOL 6523.

 One of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103BIOL 2063, and BIOL 2068, or equivalents, or permission of the instructor.
BIOL4533Bioinformatics: Computational Analysis of Genes and Genomes (O)4 ch (2C 4L) (LE)

Explores computational methods used in sequence analysis of genomes, genes, RNAs, and proteins. Topics include sequence alignment, genome database searching, gene prediction, RNA and protein structure, DNA and protein sequence comparison, and phylogenetic analysis. These topics will be integrated into the context of research in genetics and molecular biology. Limited enrolment.

Prerequisites: One of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103BIOL 2023, BIOL 2028.

BIOL4563Mathematical Biology (A)3 ch (3C)

Overview of the field of mathematical biology. Development, simulation and analysis of simple mathematical models describing biological systems. Equal emphasis is placed on developing simple models and case studies of successful models. The principal mathematical tools are differential and difference equations, finite mathematics, probability and statistics. This course is intended for students in their third or fourth year having an interest in biological research. 

Prerequisites: A course in statistics, MATH 2003, or MATH 2013 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as MATH 4563. Credit may not be obtained for both MATH 4563 and BIOL 4563 .

BIOL4641Coastal Marine Ecology5 ch (C/L/S) (LE) (EL)

This course examines the ecology of shorelines, with a focus on the Atlantic coast. Topics include the setting (continental drift, sea level, species origins, water movement), primary and secondary production, reproduction and recruitment, patterns (zonation) and processes (competition, mutualism, predation, disturbance), and main habitats (rocky shores, mudflats, salt marshes) There may be an additional charge for one-day field trips. Limited enrolment.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068. Normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211BIOL 4221, BIOL 4691 or BIOL 4851 or BIOL 4981, BIOL 4991 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration. 

BIOL4652Introductory Oceanography and Paleoceanography (A) (Cross-Listed: ESCI 4282)4 ch (3C 2L)

The oceans modulate the climate, are key regulators of biogeochemical cycles and support rich and diverse biological habitats. Designed to provide an overview of the role and functioning of the modern oceans. Also introduces students to the latest methods used in paleoceanography (i.e. the study of past oceanic conditions), a domain that has contributed considerably to our understanding of climate functioning and changes. A sample of the topics, related to the chemistry, physics and biology of the oceans that will be discussed includes: thermohaline circulation, dynamics of upwelling zones, tides, El Niño/La Niña and other climate oscillations, biogeochemical cycles, impact of human activities on the oceans (e.g. eutrophication, acidification), tracers and proxies in marine records (e.g. biological tracers and biomarkers, geochemical tracers, etc.). Credit may not be obtained for both ESCI 4282 and BIOL 4652. 

Prerequisites: One pairing of either ESCI 1001/ESCI 1052 and ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703, or ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041 and ESCI 1017/ ESCI 1046; or BIOL 1001/BIOL 1009, BIOL 1006, BIOL 1012/BIOL 1019, BIOL 1017

Recommended: BIOL 2372 or  ESCI 2272 

BIOL4691Biology of Marine Parasites5 ch (C/L/S) (LE) (W) (EL)

Nearly every life form is host to a parasite. This course emphasizes the hands-on study of parasites of invertebrate animals and marine fishes and incorporates field investigations and laboratory work. This course serves to integrate parasite diversity and life history, aspects of the ecology of parasitism, mechanisms of infection, epidemiology, host responses to infection, and pathology. Students will receive training in post-mortem examination, microscopy, parasite identification and diagnosis (morphological and molecular). Experience with experimental design, scientific writing, and data presentation will be acquired in association with independent student research projects. There may be an additional charge for field trips. Limited enrolment.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068. Normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211, BIOL 4221, BIOL 4641, BIOL 4991 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration.
BIOL4723Ornithology (O)5 ch (3C 3L) (W)

Studies birds; natural selection, morphological adaptations, migration, behaviour, and reproduction, in an ecological way.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or permission of the instructor. 

BIOL4732Mammology5 ch (3C 3L)

Studies mammals, covering taxonomy, adaptations, reproduction, populations, physiology, behaviour and ecology. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068.

BIOL4741Fish Biology3 ch (3C)

A comprehensive study of fishes from the Agnatha to specialized teleosts. Topics covered include phylogeny, ecology, reproduction, behaviour, physiology, functional morphology, and conservation biology.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or permission of the instructor. Recommended: BIOL 2008, one of the pairs BIOL 2013 and BIOL 2018, or BIOL 2053 and BIOL 2103. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 4741 and BIOL 4981.

BIOL4746Laboratory Studies in Fish Biology (A)3 ch (C/L) (LE)

Examines practical aspects of ichthyology covered in BIOL 4741. Field trips to freshwater sites focus on assessing population size, habitat preference, and species diversity. Laboratory exercises will include dissections, fish capture techniques, fish ageing, and computation of common metrics in fish ecology. One or more weekend field trips may be required. Students will be charged for travel and costs associated with the course. Limited enrolment. NOTE: Credit will not be given for both BIOL 4746 and BIOL 4981. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 3703 or permission of the instructor. Pre or co-requisite: BIOL 4741.

BIOL4773River and Lake Ecosystems (A)3 ch (3C)

Provides a foundation of understanding of ecosystem processes in streams, lakes, and wetlands. Physical and biological components of such systems will be presented, and concepts and theories defining freshwater ecology will be discussed. 

Prerequisite: BIOL 2003. 

BIOL4823Life in Extreme Environments (A)3 ch (3C)

This course will examine the morphology, physiology and (where applicable) behaviour of organisms that thrive in environments that most living organisms could not survive. Collectively referred to as "extremophiles", these organisms will be studied in relation to (1) the type of extreme environment they exist in, (2) why the particular conditions are so difficult for other life forms, and (3) how the particular extremophiles has evolved and/or adapted to allow it to exist under the conditions described.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2103BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068; and one of BIOL 3261, BIOL 3802

BIOL4851Ecology of Marine Birds (O)5 ch (C/L/S) (LE)

This course treats seabirds as important components of marine food-webs. Fundamental adaptations (structure, function, physiology, life-history) of seabirds will be linked to the ecological processes driving them. The influence of major oceanographic patterns (bathymetry, currents, upwellings) on seabird distribution and numbers will be explored. Through exploration of the role of seabirds as predators of other marine biota, and in nutrient transfer between marine and terrestrial systems, students will gain a thorough understanding of the roles played by seabirds in marine and coastal systems. Course includes an overnight field trip to Grand Manan Island, for which there may be an extra cost. Examples will be drawn from current seabird research especially in Atlantic Canada. Limited enrolment. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or permission of the instructor. Recommended: BIOL 3633. Offered in alternate years; normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211BIOL 4221, BIOL 4641, BIOL 4991 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration.

BIOL4863Environmental Biology4 ch (5C/L/S) (LE) (W)

Examines the effects of human activity upon the environment, both locally and globally. There may be an additional charge for field trips. Limited enrolment. 

Pre- or co-requisite: BIOL 2003 or equivalent. 

BIOL4953Forensic Biology Seminar3 ch (3S) (LE)

This course will take an in-depth look at peer-reviewed journal articles published in a wide variety of sub-disciplines under the broader topic of forensic biology. The aim of this course is to look at the existing literature in relevant areas of research with an eye to critiquing methodology, analysis, and conclusions of a variety of experiments that have potential implications in forensic science.

Prerequisite: BIOL 3833.

BIOL4973Topics in Aquatic Ecology (A)3 ch (3C/S) (LE) (W)
Aquatic Ecology is concerned with freshwater, brackish and marine ecosystems. Two or three topics for a given year may be selected from lake ecosystems, estuarine ecosystems, plankton ecology , benthic ecology, wetland biology, wetland management, Arctic aquatic ecosystems . The course consists of lectures, seminars, and readings and assessments of the primary scientific literature.

BIOL 2003 or equivalent.
BIOL4981Biology of Freshwater and Marine Fishes (A)5 ch (C/L/S) (LE)

An intensive course that combines lecture material on select taxonomic, organismal and process-oriented aspects of fish biology with laboratory and field investigations of applied fisheries science.  Field trips to freshwater and marine sites will focus on sampling methods, assessing population size, species diversity, ecology and environmental impacts. Laboratory exercises will include ageing, fish taxonomy, development and comparative functional morphology. Work will incorporate both group study and individual projects with an emphasis on scientific analysis and interpretation of data, including a formal seminar presentation. There may be an additional charge for field trips. Limited enrolment. NOTE: Offered in alternate years; normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211BIOL 4221, BIOL 4641, BIOL 4991 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 4981 and BIOL 4741/BIOL 4746.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2003, BIOL 2008, BIOL 2013 or BIOL 2103, BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068
BIOL4991Aquaculture in Canada 5 ch (C/L/S) (LE) (EL)

Aquaculture is the aquatic equivalent to terrestrial agriculture. We are in the midst of a global transition from hunting and gathering wild aquatic organisms to farming them. This course examines the biological principles and constraints of commercial and pilot-scale aquaculture in Canada, with emphasis on the Atlantic region. Although the focus of the course is on fish culture, consideration is also given to bivalve and seaweed culture. Topics covered include controlled reproduction, genetics and biotechnology, nutrition and feeding, stress and disease, and sustainability. Includes an overnight field trip to the Bay of Fundy to visit commercial and research facilities (a cost may be associated with this trip). Limited enrolment. NOTE: Normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211BIOL 4221, BIOL 4641, BIOL 4691 or BIOL 4851 or BIOL 4981 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration. 

Prerequisites: BIOL 2063, BIOL 2068, or permission of the instructor. 

BIOL5473Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Biology and Forestry3 ch (3C, 1T)

Introduces students who have previously taken a formal class in statistics to the practice and pitfalls of experimental design and data analysis in biology and forestry. It is intended for both graduate students and final year undergraduates (enrolled in an honours or senior research project). Topics will be selected from sampling designs, experimental designs, parametric and non-parametric analysis, power analysis, and regression. The course will include discussion of examples in the literature. Students will also be analysing and interpreting data sets arising from their field of research.

Prerequisite: STAT 2264 or equivalent. 

BIOL6000Series courses: (Graduate courses offered by the Department of Biology)

Graduate courses are open to undergraduates who can show that a course is of special value to them in their area of specialization. For details of courses offered consult the Calendar of the School of Graduate Studies and Research.