BIOL4090 | Honours Thesis Project | 9 ch (W) (EL) |
Project-based course open to students in their final year of study as part of an Honours by Thesis in Biology or in an interdepartmental program involving Biology (e.g., Biology-Chemistry). Involves preparation, design and execution of a research project under the direct supervision of a member of the Department. The end products are a written thesis and defense of the thesis in a seminar presentation. A minimum commitment of 9 scheduled hours per week is required throughout the year. Additional information about the Honours program will be provided to students in their third year, at which time students should approach members of the Biology faculty about potential positions. Students who have secured a supervisor should apply to with an email that includes the proposed supervisor(s) and a 1–2 paragraph description of the proposed project. Applications should normally be submitted before March 15th of the year prior to their proposed project (though advanced planning may be required to facilitate field work during the summer months, etc.). Enrolment is subject to project availability. Minimum CGPA for acceptance is 3.0. Credit can only be obtained for one BIOL 4090 or BIOL 4149. Students who are unsuccessful in securing a position in BIOL 4090 are encouraged to pursue an Honours by Course, and should meet with an academic advisor to discuss this option. |