The ÉCRI Model | Professional Learning and Resources | UNB

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Second Language Research Institute of Canada

Version française

The ÉCRI model

The ÉCRI model (reasoned and coherent writing in immersion) was developed as part of a research project on best practices in the teaching of writing in second language learning classrooms. This model integrates current research from first and second language contexts together with practitioner knowledge.

The model includes five phases as well as supporting activities that are integrated throughout the process. It is based on principles of balanced literacy, project-based pedagogy, and gradual release of responsibility. The model, although focused on writing, makes explicit links with oral and reading activities. Based on a gradual release of responsibility framework, ÉCRI offers the necessary scaffolding to help learners become more autonomous writers.

Audiovisual resources


Elementary (French immersion)

Middle (French immersion)

High School (English as an additional language)


  • Présentation - L'enseignement efficace de l'écriture en immersion: Le modèle ÉCRI

Companion Guide - the ÉCRI model

Professional development



Middle School

Pour les formateurs

La version abrégée du modèle ÉCRI:

Feuille aux participants:

Teaching resources



Ressources pour l'enseignement Immersion tardive

Voici une variété d’activités, textes et ressources qui ont été utiliser lors d’une unité intégrer (sciences humaines 6e année et arts langagières) en suivant le modèle ÉCRI.

Middle School


Exemple d'unités

High School

Examples of units

Teaching units and classroom activities

Memoir Unit - EAL (English as a Second Language) High School

Teaching Materials