NB-RDC is a part of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN). This collaborative initiative aims to strengthen Canada’s social research capacity, support policy-relevant research, and provide insights on important issues by increasing the use of Statistics Canada’s rich data for academic and policy-relevant research.
Researchers can collaborate on team projects within the NB-RDC, as well as in cross-Canada team projects involving multiple RDCs. There are a number of RDCs located across the country, providing researchers with access to Statistics Canada microdata. RDCs are optimal locations for professors, graduate students, and external researchers to access confidential Statistics Canada data for theses, reports, and publications.
RDCs are funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and partner universities.
The New Brunswick Research Data Centre operates under the direction of Dr. Ted McDonald as Academic Director, and Dr. Chang Z. Lin, the NB-RDC Analyst employed by Statistics Canada and is guided by a local management team ensuring alignment with CRDCN's vision and mission.
University of New Brunswick Fredericton
38 Dineen Drive, Keirstead Hall, Rm. 320
(506) 458-7240
University of New Brunswick Saint John
97 Tucker Park Road, Hazen Hall, Rm. 331/333
(506) 648-5796
Université de Moncton
415, avenue de l'Université, Bibliothèque Champlain, Salle 031
(506) 858-3722
Memorial University of Newfoundland
234 Elizabeth Ave. Queen Elizabeth II library, Rm. 3017C
(709) 864-8270