Membership | Institute of Population Health | UNB

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Institute of Population Health


A no-cost membership is available to all researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows across Canada including other qualified professionals in academia, government, and not-for-profit organizations.

All IPH members must share the goals and values of the IPH and have an interest in expanding and promoting population health research and knowledge mobilization.

Membership categories

There are four categories of membership available to suit your needs and experience:

This membership is available to researchers meeting the CIHR criteria for an independent researcher from a University, College, Hospital, Health Care Center or Research Institute in Canada. Research fellows must be actively involved and engaged in population health research and knowledge translation and mobilization activities.

This membership is available to undergraduate or graduate students in Canada who are interested and engaged in population health research and knowledge translation and mobilization activities, and an academic sponsor.

This membership is available to researchers with a post-doctoral fellowship in Canada who are interested and engaged in population health research and knowledge translation and mobilization activities, and an academic sponsor.

This no-cost membership is available to experienced professionals in academia, government and not-for-profit organizations with an interest in population health research.

Membership eligibility and acceptance will be decided by the IPH Executive Director and Scientific Director. Learn more about member benefits and responsibilities described in the membership form, or contact us at

Become a member

The UNB Institute of Population Health (IPH) was established as a senate approved research institute in May 2024. IPH is led by Dr. Jennifer Russell, Executive Director and Dr. Emily Richard, Scientific Director.

IPH strives to create meaningful and equitable IMPACTS in population health by focusing on evidence in collaboration with diverse partners across all social determinants of health to:

  • Investigate and innovate: to achieve our population health goals
  • Monitor and report: on population health outcomes
  • Promote and elevate: NB population health research and practice
  • Alleviate: pressures in the health care system
  • Connect: researchers, decision-makers, and knowledge users
  • Translate: research into multi-sector policy and action
  • Support: excellence in population health research

Membership details

  • We foster respectful and trusted collaborations with our partners.
  • We embed Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in our work.
  • We support and model cohesion, connection, and wellness in our team.
  • We encourage innovative, flexible, and sustainable approaches in our work.
  • We commit to creating meaningful impact while maintaining neutrality.
  • We take pride in all we do.

We bring our unique research, clinical and public sector experience, passion for population health, and intimate knowledge of the provincial and federal health systems to help:

  • Maximize research impact
    • Leverage population health research by translating research outcomes into critical analysis and recommendations for decision-makers.
  • Champion government action to promote healthier populations
    • Advocate for evidence-informed policy, program, and legislation.
  • Increase return on investment for research funding
    • Support researchers and governments by identifying research priorities that align with the community’s population health needs
  • Elevate NB’s profile and reputation for population health research and outcomes
    • Engage with various provincial, national, and international audiences on multiple platforms to promote our research and its impacts on population health.
  • Increase capacity to attract new funding opportunities
    • Work closely with faculties and Institutes to enhance their reach and identify new and innovative research funding opportunities.

IPH members will be given access to various supports, resources, and networking opportunities.

  • Acknowledgement as a member on IPH website
  • Invitation to participate in collaborative IPH research projects with in-kind support from IPH as deemed appropriate
  • Letters of support or collaboration from IPH team on research grants
  • Advance notification and invitation to participate in IPH networking opportunities and KT events
  • Peer review of population health grant applications
  • Discussion and advice from IPH team to identify knowledge users and potential approaches for engagement with knowledge users
  • Promotion and knowledge mobilization of members’ research within IPH’s vast network, social media, media, and events.
  • Access to training programs to support population health researchers

At minimum, IPH members are expected to be profiled on the IPH website and support IPH in its mission, vision, and values.

To maintain membership, members are expected to participate in at least one of the following per year:

  • Engage in a speaking event such as a webinar, student event, etc.
  • Write an article or blog post to be shared on the IPH website or social media
  • Participate in an IPH event
  • Volunteer for a role in IPH events such as a moderator, facilitator, host, content planning committee, etc.
  • Collaboration in IPH-led research projects
  • Participation in IPH mentorship opportunities
  • Participate in peer review requests

Members who are inactive in IPH activities for a 12-month period will result a review which may result in removal from the membership list. Lapsed members can reapply for membership after a 1-year waiting period and must show how they will contribute to the IPH moving forward.

Apply for membership