About | Institute of Population Health | UNB

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Institute of Population Health

About the Institute of Population Health

Dr. Jennifer Russell

At the Institute of Population Health (IPH), we aspire to establish ourselves as a preeminent centre for population health research, innovation and advocacy.

Through interdisciplinary collaboration and evidence-based approaches, we seek to catalyze positive change and enhance health outcomes for all residents of New Brunswick.

Our vision and mission

The Institute strives to create positive and equitable IMPACTS on population health outcomes by focusing on evidence for promoting and optimizing the health & wellness of the population across all social determinants of health. In collaboration with academia, community, government, industry, NGOs, Wabanaki communities, and the health system, we work to:

  • Investigate and innovate to achieve our population health goals
  • Monitor and report on population health outcomes
  • Promote NB research and leading or proven practice in population health
  • Advocate to relieve pressures on the healthcare system
  • Connect researchers and decision-makers
  • Translate research into policy and action
  • Support excellence in population health research

Our objectives

Innovative research: Conducting rigorous research to develop novel strategies for promoting and optimizing population health.

Data analysis and reporting: Analyzing population health data to identify trends and inform evidence-based decision-making processes.

Knowledge dissemination: Highlighting impactful research outcomes and disseminating best practices in population health promotion.

Advocacy and policy influence: Championing policies and initiatives that prioritize population health and address systemic challenges.

Stakeholder engagement: Facilitating meaningful collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and community stakeholders to translate research into actionable solutions.

Capacity building: Providing support and resources to foster excellence in population health research and practice.