Visitors must first connect to public@unb and open a web browser for connection instructions and app download details. Visitors will be required to register daily via text message and will be provided temporary login credentials.
Once visitors enter their temporary credentials in the eduroam app, their device will automatically switch over to UNB’s secure eduroam Visitor access (eVA) network. The eduroam app will need to be downloaded and kept on each device connecting to Wi-Fi.
Additional details and what to do if text messaging isn't available is provided on the instruction page.
Visitors from another institution also using eduroam should automatically connect to the eduroam network upon their arrival to a UNB campus (they would use their institution’s login credentials). No further action is required. If they are unable to connect have them connect to public@unb and follow the instructions.
Yes. As of May 29, 2022, visitors connecting to public@unb are provided with instructions (a web browser may need to be opened) on how to register and connect to UNB’s secure eduroam Visitor access (eVA) network.
Since first introducing visitor Wi-Fi at UNB, the risk of malicious activity has significantly increased; however, new technology has also become available providing ways to help reduce the risk to our visitors' data and personal information by providing a safe and secure Wi-Fi connection.
All visitors to UNB campuses can connect to UNB’s visitor Wi-Fi by first connecting to public@unb for provided on-screen instructions (a web browser may need to be opened).
UNB faculty, staff and students should continue to connect to UNB’s eduroam Wi-Fi network.
Visitors from another institution also using eduroam should automatically connect to the eduroam network upon their arrival to a UNB campus (they would use their institution’s login credentials). No further action is required. If they are unable to connect have them connect to public@unb and follow the instructions.
Upon their arrival, visitors can select public@unb from their list of available Wi-Fi networks and follow the provided on-screen instructions on how to successfully connect to UNB’s Public Wi-Fi (a web browser may need to be opened).
Visitors are required to register daily using text messaging to get their temporary login credentials. If they are unable to use text messaging, they may also visit one of our Wi-Fi service points to request temporary login credentials.
No. UNB faculty, staff and students should connect to eduroam and use their UNB credentials to connect.
For special events, such as SOAR, graduation and the Canada-wide Science Fair, a special Wi-Fi network name will be created and broadcasted for the duration of the event. Attendees of the event will select the event name in their Wi-Fi list and connect immediately (no registration required).
Hosting a special event at UNB? Contact the IT Service Desk ( to discuss your visitor Wi-Fi needs.