UNB Sustainability is a team of full-time staff who work in the Energy & Sustainability Unit of the Capital Planning & Operations Department on our Fredericton campus, although their work is for both our Fredericton and Saint John campuses.
UNB Sustainability supports UNB in becoming a leader in sustainability and environmental stewardship across Canadian universities; a key action in the UNB Toward 2030 Strategic Plan.
By definition, sustainability is meeting the world’s current needs without hindering future generations from meeting their needs. This concept mirrors the known philosophy of many Indigenous groups, "seventh-generation," where people make choices based on the impact for hundreds of years into the future.
UNB views sustainability as a simultaneous pursuit to achieve economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and social equality. You can read our Green Review article What is Sustainability? to learn more.
The Energy Manager (now Director of Energy & Sustainability) and the Energy Coordinator positions came before UNB Sustainability. When UNB Sustainability was established in 2014, a Sustainability Coordinator (now Manager of Sustainability) was hired to develop and implement programming. Since then, two more team members (the Climate Action Coordinator and the Sustainability Engagement Coordinator) have been added to support the team's growing list of sustainability initiatives.
Tom Gilmore (he/him) is UNB's Director of Energy and Sustainability. After over a decade in the manufacturing world following the completion of his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Tom returned to UNB to apply his energy efficiency experience and passion to UNB’s operations. Tom is responsible for a long-standing Energy Management Program (EMP), UNB’s utilities portfolio for over 2.5M square feet of building space, as well as the Central Heating Plant (CHP) and steam distribution system, which also supplies the local hospital.
UNB’s EMP has invested over $14M in energy saving projects since 1996 and continues to invest in projects that reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions. In 2014, the first position solely focused on sustainability (now Manager of Sustainability) was added to Tom's team to help improve UNB’s sustainability in areas beyond utilities.
In addition to being a Professional Engineer, Tom also holds Certified Energy Manager and Certified Educational Facilities Professional designations, as well as certificates in management development and leadership.
Nikole Watson (she/her) is UNB's Energy Coordinator. She focuses on utility meter reliability and new energy opportunities for the institution. Nikole maintains an inventory of energy projects approved and implemented under the Energy Management Program (EMP) and monitors energy consumption for both campuses. She reports annually on the energy and cost savings of all projects to the Energy Management Committee.
Nikole has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from UNB and a Diploma in Civil Engineering from St. Francis Xavier University. Nikole also has a LEED Green Associate designation that enables her to take a more holistic approach to building design, with sustainability and energy efficiency at the fore front. Nikole is passionate about off-grid living, lowering her carbon footprint and supporting local.
Sedona Cluett (she/her) is UNB's Manager of Sustainability. Sedona has worked on various sustainability projects in the municipal and non-profit sectors, and she is excited to be applying her skills on our campuses here at UNB. Sedona supports the strategic planning, development, implementation, and monitoring of UNB’s initiatives and goals outlined in the Climate Change Action Plan and Campus Sustainability Plan.
Sedona has a Bachelor of Environmental Studies from the University of Waterloo, and a Master of Environment and Sustainability from Western University. Sedona is passionate about improving the health of the environment, and she is grateful to be a part of UNB’s climate action and sustainability journey!
Lisa Rickard (she/her) is UNB's Climate Action Coordinator. She has experience in environmental and climate research, and is excited to work with the UNB Sustainability team. Lisa is responsible for implementing bi-campus climate work to help meet UNB’s carbon neutrality and sustainability goals.
Lisa has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management from UNB, and a Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of Northern British Columbia.
Bailey Saunders (she/her) is UNB’s Sustainability Engagement Coordinator. She is a proud UNB Alum and is excited to be back on our campuses.
Bailey manages UNB Sustainability’s social media and The Green Review blog – sharing updates, tips, and valuable resources to inspire the UNB community to engage in eco-friendly practices. She also plays a major role in various initiatives designed to educate and engage students, faculty and staff in climate action and sustainability.
Bailey has a Bachelor of Science in Environment and Natural Resources Management from UNB. She is extremely grateful to work with a team that shares her commitment to sustainability and passion for the environment.
2022 - The President's Advisory Committee on Sustainability (PACS) was established to replace the Sustainability Advisory Committee. The PACS is responsible for supporting the priorities and objectives of UNB's strategic plan, the Campus Sustainability Plan and the Climate Change Action Plan by ensuring the University keeps environmental stewardship, climate adaptation, and reduction of our carbon footprint at the forefront of decision-making.
2021 - Added goals and strategies for the Saint John campus to our Campus Sustainability Plan.
2021 - Hired the first Sustainability Education and Engagement Officer (now Sustainability Engagement Coordinator).
2021 - Submitted our data to the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)'s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) program and received our first STARS rating (Silver) for the Saint John campus.
2020 - Submitted our data to the STARS program and received an updated rating (another Silver) for the Fredericton campus.
2020 - Launched our Campus Sustainability Plan, which includes goals and strategies for the Fredericton campus.
2020 - Launched our first Climate Change Action Plan, which includes goals and strategies for both campuses.
2017 - Submitted our data to the STARS program and received our first STARS rating (Silver) for the Fredericton Campus.
2017 - UNB became a member of the Association of the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
2016 - Hired the first Climate Change Officer (now Climate Action Coordinator).
2014 - UNB Sustainability was started, with the first Sustainability Coordinator (now Manager of Sustainability) being hired.
2013 - The Sustainability Advisory Committee was established to provide advice and guidance on the development of UNB's sustainability initiatives.
2011 - UNB became a member of the Atlantic Universities and Colleges Sustainability Network (AUCSN).