Students may take courses for credit toward the Masters of Nursing program from other universities provided they receive approval in advance from the director of graduate studies. Most commonly these courses will be electives.
Courses transferred from other universities are credited but do not contribute toward the student's cumulative GPA.
Students must request permission to take the course in writing from the faculty's director of graduate studies and provide a course outline, contact person at the other university, indicating when the course is to be taken. If the course is appropriate, the director will request approval from the School of Graduate Studies. Contact us.
After the student has completed the course, they must request transfer of credit in writing and provide an official transcript. The student is expected to achieve a B grade or better for transfer. Upon receipt of this request, the director will recommend to the School of Graduate Studies that credit be given.
Students who take courses at other universities for transfer credit while paying tuition to UNB may request reimbursement for fees paid elsewhere. The current policy is to reimburse up to the cost of a similar course at UNB. Students must pay course fees at the other university.
Once the course has been successfully completed the student should submit their receipt for fees paid and an official transcript to the director of graduate studies who will recommend reimbursement to the School of Graduate Studies. Normally, reimbursement is in the form of credit to the student's UNB account.