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Faculty of Kinesiology
UNB Fredericton

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Peer-reviewed journals


Cardenas A, Albert WJ, Léger MC, Dion C, Cardoso MR. Effects of implementing an active sitting protocol compared to using a traditional office chair and standing workstation. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.

Montgomery B, Rodrigo-Carranza V, Wilkie EWC, Healey LA, Noble J, Albert WJ, Hoogkamer W. Self-perceived middle distance race pace is faster in advanced footwear technology spikes. Journal of Sport and Health Science.

Cardoso M, Armstrong D, Fisher SL, Albert WJ. Differential effects of sex on upper body kinematics and kinetics during fatiguing, asymmetrical lifting. Applied Ergonomics, 116.

Pearse S., Léger M., Dion C., Albert WJ, Cardoso, MM. Active workstations: A literature review of on workplace sitting. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 38(2004): 406-416.


Léger M., Dion C., Albert WJ, Cardoso, MM. The biomechanical benefits of active sitting. Ergonomics, 66(8):1072-1089.

Wilkie E, Montgomery B, Albet WJ, Hoogkamer. Technological advances in track spike design facilitate enhanced running performance. Footwear Science, 15:supl, S66-67.


Cardenas A., Albert WJ, Léger M, Dion, C., Cardoso M. An ergonomic analysis on three different computer workstations: Active Sitting, Traditional Sitting and Standing. Ergonomics.

Léger M., Dion C., Albert WJ, Cardoso, MM. Does active sitting provide more physiological benefits than traditional sitting and standing workstations? Applied Ergonomics, 102:1-12.

Tremblay, M., Albert, W.J., Fischer, S.L., Beairsto. E., Johnson, M.J. Relationship Between Occupational Stress Injury Score and Simulated Patient-Care Scenario Performance Among Experienced Paramedics. 73(4): 1347-1358.


Cardoso M, Cardenas A, Albert WJ. A biomechanical analysis of active vs static office chair designs. Applied Ergonomics, 96: 103481


Tremblay M, Albert WJ, Fischer SL, Beairsto E, Johnson MJ. Physiological responses during paramedic’s simulated driving tasks. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 66(2): 445-460.

Tremblay, M, Albert, WJ, Lavallière, M, Gallant, F, Bélanger M, Cloutier, F, Johnson, MJ. Occupational Health Profile of Canadian Maritime Truck Drivers. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 67(1): 251-257

Tremblay M, Albert WJ, Fischer SL, Bearisto E, Johnson MJ. Exploration of the health status of experienced New Brunswick paramedics. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 66(2):461-473.

Hebert, JJ, Le Cara, EC, Koppenhaver SL, Hoffman MD, Marcus RL, Dempsey AR, Albert WJ. Predictors of clinical success with stabilization exercise are associated with lower levels of lumbar multifidus intramuscular adipose tissue in patients with low back pain. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42(5):679-684


Tremblay M, Lavallière M, Albert WJ, Boudreau SR, Johnson M. Exploring simulated driving performance among varsity male soccer players. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(5):528-533.

Cardoso M, Fulton F, Callaghan JP, Johnson MJ, Albert WJ. (2019). A pre/post evaluation of fatigue, stress and vigilance amongst commercially licensed truck drivers performing a prolonged driving task. International Journal of occupational safety and Ergonomics, 25(3):344-354.

Ergonomic evaluation of a new truck seat design: a field study. M Cardoso, F Fulton, C. McKinnon, JP Callaghan, MJ Johnson, WJ Albert International Journal of Safety Engineering (JOSE), 25(3):331-343.


Cardoso M, McKinnon C, Viggiani D, Johnson MJ, Callaghan JP, Albert WJ. Biomechanical investigation of prolonged sitting in an ergonomically designed truck seat. Ergonomics, 61(3):367-380.


Cardoso M, Girouard M, Callaghan JP, Albert WJ. An ergonomic evaluation of city police officers: The analysis between discomfort and patrol duties. International Journal of Safety and Ergonomics, 23(2): 175-184.

Cardoso M, Girouard M, McKinnon C, Callaghan JP, Albert WJ. Quantifying the postural demands of patrol officers: a field study. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 23(2):185-197.


Harrison MF, Forde KA, Albert WJ, Croll JC, Neary JP. Posture and helmet load influences on neck muscle activation. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 87(1):1-9.


Fischer SL, Green HP, Hampton RH, Cochran MG, Albert WJ. Gender-Based Differences in Trunk and Shoulder Biomechanical Changes Caused by Prolonged Repetitive Symmetrical Lifting. IIE Transactions in Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 3(3/4):165-176.

Harrison MF, Coffey B, Albert WJ, Fischer SL. Night vision goggle-induced neck pain in military helicopter aircrew: A review of the current literature. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 86(1):46-55. *Best ASEM paper.

Tremblay M, Gallant F, Lavalliere M, Chiasson M, Silvey D, Behm D, Albert WJ, Johnson MJ. Driving performance on descending limb of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in undergraduate students: A Pilot Study. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0118348.


Duncan CA, MacKinnon SN, Albert WJ. The habituation of human postural responses to platform perturbations. Industrial Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44:874-881.

Albert WJ, Everson D, Rae M, Croll JC, Callaghan JP, Kuruganti U. Biomechanical and ergonomic assessment of urban transit operators. 39(1):33-44.

Duncan CA, Albert WJ, Langlois RG, MacKinnon SN. Stepping response during constrained and unconstrained standing environments. International Journal of Maritime Engineering (Transaction RINA Part A) Vol 156, Part A3 July-September.


Duncan CA, MacKinnon SN, Albert WJ. A comparison of platform motion waveforms during constrained and unconstrained standing in moving environments. IEEE Transactions in Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 1:140-151.

Kuruganti U and Albert WJ. Ergonomic risks in fish processing workers in Atlantic Canada. Occupational Ergonomics, 11:11-19.

Salmon DM, Harrison MF, Sharpe D, Candow D, Albert WJ, JP Neary. Exercise therapy for improved neck muscle function in Helicopter Aircrew. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 84(10):1046-1054.


Duncan CA, MacKinnon SM, Albert, WJ. The effects of moving environments on thoracolumbar kinematics and foot center of pressure when performing lifting and lowering tasks. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 28(2):111-119.

Harrison MF, Neary JP, Albert WJ, Croll JC. A Predictive Logistic Regression Equation for Neck Pain in Helicopter Aircrew. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 83:604-608.

MacKinnon SN, Matthews J., Holmes M, Albert WJ. The effect of platform motions upon the biomechanical demands of lifting tasks. Occupational Ergonomics, 10: 103-112.

Fischer SL, Hampton, RH, Albert WJ. A simple approach to guide factor retention decisions when applying principal component analysis to biomechanical data. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 1-5.

Fischer SL, Albert WJ. McGarry T. Visual perception of fatigued lifting actions. Human Movement Studies, 31:1552-1559.


Forde KA, Albert WJ, Harrison MF, Neary JP, Croll JC, Callaghan JP. Neck loads and postures experienced by Canadian forces helicopter pilots during simulated day and night flights. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 41(2):128-135.

Gallagher KM, Fischer SL, Howarth SJ, Albert WJ, Callaghan JP. Surrogate representation of a task as a method for data reduction in calculating cumulative spinal loading. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 12(6):1-5.

Harrison MF, Neary JP, Albert WJ, Croll JC. Neck pain and muscle function in a population of ch-146 helicopter aircrew. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 82(12):1125-1132.


Seaman FA, Weldon N, Albert WJ, Callaghan JP. Biomechanical shoulder loads and postures in light automotive assembly workers: Comparison between shoulder pain/no pain groups. 35:39-48.

Duncan CA, MacKinnon SM, Albert WJ. Changes in thoracolumbar kinematics and centre of pressure when performing stationary tasks in moving environments. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40:648-654.

Harrison MF, Neary JP, Albert WJ, McKenzie NP, Veillette DW, Croll JC. Cytochrome oxidase changes with night vision goggle usage. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 40(2):140-5.


McClellan AJ, Albert WJ, Fischer SL, Seaman FA, Jack P Callaghan. Shoulder loading while performing automotive parts assembly tasks: A field study. Occupational Ergonomics, 8: 81-90.

Harrison MF, Kuruganti U, Neary JP, Albert WJ, Croll JC. Measuring neuromuscular fatigue in the cervical spinal musculature of military helicopter aircrew. Military Medicine, 174: 1183-1189.


Duffett-Leger L, Paterson B, Albert WJ). Optimizing Health Outcomes by Integrating Health Behaviour and Communication Theories in the Development of eHealth Promotion Interventions. eHealth International, 42(2):23-33.

Sutherland CA, Albert WJ, Wrigley AT, Callaghan JP. A validation of a posture matching approach or the determination of 3D cumulative back loads. Applied Ergonomics, 39:199-208.

Albert WJ, Currie-Jackson N, Duncan CA. A Survey of musculoskeletal injuries amongst Canadian massage therapists. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 12:86-93.

Holmes M, MacKinnon SN, Matthews J, Albert WJ, Mills S. Effects of a simulated motion environment upon the physical demands of heavy materials handling operators. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 24: 103-111.

Duncan C, MacKinnon SN, Albert WJ, Antle DM, Mathews J. Effect of simulated vessel motions on thoracolumbar and centre of pressure kinematics. Occupational Ergonomics, 7:1-10.

Albert WJ, Wrigley AT, MacLean RB. Are Males and Females Similarly Consistent in their respective Lifting Patterns? Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science, 9(4):347-358.


Matthews J, Albert WJ, MacKinnon S, Holmes M, Patterson A. Effects of moving environments upon the physical demands of heavy materials handling operators. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37: 43-50.

Weir P, Holmes AM, Andrews DM, Albert WJ. Nazar AR, Callaghan JP. Determination of the just noticeable difference (JND) in trunk posture perception. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics, 8(3): 185-199.

Brown JNA, Albert WJ, Croll J. A new input device: Comparison to three commercially available mouses. Ergonomics, 50(2):208-227.

Harrison MF, Neary JP, Albert WJ, Veillette DW, McKenzie NP, Croll JC. Trapezius Muscle Metabolism Measured with NIRS in Helicopter Pilots Flying a Simulator. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 78(2):110-116.

Sutherland C, Albert WJ, Wrigley AT, Callaghan JP. The effect of recording angle on posture assessment repeatability and cumulative spinal loading. Ergonomics, 50(6):877-889.

Buck F, Albert WJ, Kuruganti, U, Babineau M, Curie-Jackson N. Is performing a corporate massage to a client using sitting in a massage chair of greater neuromuscular demand than having the client lye on a massage table? Journal of Manipulative Therapeutics, 30(5): 357-364.

Harrison MF, JP Neary, WJ Albert, DW Veillette, NP McKenzie, JC Croll. Physiological effects of night vision goggle counterweights on neck musculature of military helicopter pilots. Military Medicine, 172:864-870.

Harrison MF, Neary JP, Albert WJ, Veillette DW, McKenzie NP, Croll JC. Helicopter cockpit seat side and trapezius metabolism with night vision goggles. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 78(10):995-97.


McKeon, M, Albert WJ, Neary JP. Assessment of neuromuscular and haemodynamic activity in individuals with and without chronic low back pain. Dynamic Medicine, 2006.

Albert WJ, Duncan C, Currie-Jackson N, Goudet V, Callaghan JP. Biomechanical assessment of massage therapists. Occupational Ergonomics, 6:1-11.

Wrigley AT, Albert WJ, Deluzio KJ, Stevenson JM. Principal Component Analysis of Lifting Waveforms. Clinical Biomechanics, 21(6): 567-578.

Albert WJ, Wrigley AT, Sleivert GG. A muscular fatiguing protocol for the biceps and vastus lateralis: gender considerations. Dynamic Medicine, 5:2.


Wrigley AT, Albert WJ, Deluzio KJ, Stevenson JM. Discriminating lifting technique for future low back pain development. Clinical Biomechanics, 20(3), 254-263.

Harrison MF; Neary JP, Albert WJ, Croll JC, Veillette JRD, McKenzie NP. Muscle oxygenation changes of pilot’s trapezius muscles during day and night-vision helicopter simulated missions. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37(5) S388.

Harrison MF, Neary JP, Albert WJ, Croll JC, Veillette JRD, McKenzie NP. Effects of counterweights on the trapezii muscles during military night-vision simulator helicopter missions. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 30 (Supplement):S34

Harrison, MF, Sexsmith JR, Albert WJ, Mureika RA. The relationship between hip flexor characteristics and on-ice skating performance. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 30 (Supplement):S35.


Sleivert GG, Albert WJ, Neary PJ, Bhambhani YNE. Spine fatigue in the Beiring-Sorensen muscle endurance test (BSME), Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 28(Supplement):S100.


Albert WJ, Sleivert G, Neary JP, Bhambhani, Y. Monitoring Individual Erector Spinae Fatigue Responses Using Electromyography and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Exercise Physiology, 29(4):363-378.


Woodruff SJ, Bothwell-Myers C, Tingley M, Albert WJ. Gait Pattern Classification of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19(3): 379-392.

Albert WJ, Sleivert G, Neary JP, Bhambhani, Y. EMG and NIRS response of muscle erector spine fatigue. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 27 (Supplement):S1.


Albert WJ, Bonneau J, Stevenson JM, Gledhill N. Back fitness and back health assessment considerations for the Canadian Physical Activity, Fitness and Lifestyle Appraisal. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 26(3):291-317.

Stevenson JM, Weber CL Smith JT, Dumas GA, Albert WJ. A longitudinal study on the development of low back pain in an industrial population. Spine, 26: 1370-1377.


Albert WJ, Stevenson JM, Costigan PA, Smith JT. Classifying lift technique using a cluster analysis approach. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 108(1/2):20.

Albert WJ, Stevenson JM, Dumas GA, Wheeler RW. Effect of shoulder joint translation on lumbar moments for two-dimensional modeling strategies. Occupational Ergonomics, 1(3):173-187.


Albert WJ and Miller DI. Takeoff characteristics of single and double axel figure skating jumps. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 12(1):72-87.

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