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Faculty of Kinesiology
UNB Fredericton

Back to Occupational Performance Lab

About the lab

Research in the Occupational Biomechanics Lab (OPL) is focused on reducing the risk to musculoskeletal injury in the workplace. A multidisciplinary approach is taken to understand to the physical, biomechanical and cognitive demands on the worker to determine the best ergonomic design solutions that incorporate human capabilities and limitations (human factors).

While each occupation provides different challenges, they all need to consider the individual (the worker) as the central approach to the workplace design. Research in the Occupational Performance Lab, incorporates the breadth of knowledge from Kinesiology to both identify human factors concerns with work tasks but evaluates ergonomic designs with a worker-centred lens.


  • KIN 3161 Human Factors for Ergonomic Design
  • KIN 4161 Occupational Biomechanics

The ultimate goal of any research project is to assist in making the workplace a safer and healthier environment for the worker.

Contact us

Wayne Albert |