As you work towards your TME diploma, a number of flexible course options are available. You'll find information about what courses and combinations might work for you. You can also check out our recommended streams if you're curious about what courses pair well together.
If you are an undergraduate student, you can earn the diploma concurrently with your degree program by choosing TME courses as electives. If you are a working professional, you can take all five courses over two semesters or take the courses – taught mainly in the evenings – over an extended period of time.
You can choose which courses fit your needs and interests. Of the five courses, three of the following TME core must be completed:
You can choose the remaining two elective courses from the list above, from the list of TME elective courses listed below or from the pre-approved non-TME electives. If you have a specific business interest such as marketing, organizational behaviour, finance, public works administration or construction management, you may also apply to have a specific course of interest accepted as a non-TME elective.
*Not offered this semester.
**Requires special permission from the Chair of the J Herbert Smith Centre.
The following is a list of approved non-TME elective courses. Students interested in enrolling in another elective course should present their request in writing to the TME Chair. Note that not all of the courses below are offered during every academic year; check with the appropriate department or faculty for scheduling details.
Open-Entry Courses:
***Cannot be used with TME 3346.
****Cannot be used with TME 3346.
Courses not currently listed, but still considered non-TME electives for DTME: CS 3971, EVS 2003, ICS 2001, and STS1003.