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Faculty of Engineering
UNB Fredericton

Back to Chemical Engineering

Graduate programs

Get ready to create solutions

Whatever the field and the problem, our graduate students work to generate results. Health, energy, manufacturing and environmental care are possibilities for your future. Join us to unlock the secrets of the elements to make a better world. 

UNB Engineering places in the top 20 per cent of engineering faculties worldwide in the Times Higher Education rankings (2024). We offer:

  • internationally known researchers who will guide your work
  • a smaller campus in the friendly city of Fredericton in New Brunswick
  • the ability to get to know your professors and fellow students
  • the promise that you will never be just a number or a face in the crowd

Our research

Outstanding faculty research and research centres support our graduate programs. You will work with innovative faculty members to explore the mysteries of matter to shape a better future.

Our people are global leaders

In addition to research centres, faculty members at CHE are actively engaged in essential work promoting decarbonization and industry transformation. 

Connect with faculty and staff in chemical engineering. 

Graduate programs in CHE

Quick facts

  • Degrees offered: MEng, MScE, PhD
  • Application deadline: open
  • Study options: course-based, thesis-based
  • Duration: 1-2 years for the MEng, 2 years for the MScE, 4 years for the PhD
  • Entry terms: September and January

You can also do co-op work terms to enhance your professional credentials and advance your career.

What it takes to join us

  1. If you are interested in research and a thesis, indicate your research interest on your application.
  2. If you are from Canada or the United States you should have an undergraduate degree with a minimum GPA 3.0 (B or 70%). International applicants must have a GPA Canadian equivalent to 90% or higher. Applicants to the PhD program normally hold a master's degree from an accredited university.
  3. You must submit a complete application that includes three references and a one-page statement that describes your research interests. 
  4. International applicants whose first language is not English must submit language scores.
  • TOEFL - minimum score of 580, and a TWE score of 5.0. Computer-based scores would be 237 and 5.0 or greater. Internet score of 94. Writing and speaking score a minimum of 22
  • IELTS - minimum score of band 7
  • MELAB - minimum score of 85
  • CanTest - minimum score of band 4.5
  • PTE - minimum score 65

Contact Dr. Brian Lowry, Director of Graduate Studies or Sylvia Demerson, Program Secretary, for more information at 506-453-4520.