Tutoring Sessions | Centre for Resources in French | UNB

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Centre for Resources in French

Tutoring sessions

Version française

To work on your French writing skills

Meet with a tutor and get help to:

  • organize your ideas before writing an essay,
  • structure your text or improve clarity,
  • introduce you to Antidote,
  • further understand grammatical concepts,
  • review parts of your courses that are not clear to you,
  • identify online resources, such as educational videos, apps, or vlogs, to go further with your learning.

To practice your oral French

Join one of our conversation groups or have individual sessions with a tutor. We provide a fun and judgment-free practice environment! When done consistently, these sessions allow you to strengthen your oral comprehension and to express yourself with more confidence.

Based on your level and your goals, you can:

  • participate in a lively conversation on subjects of your choice,
  • respond to a series of simple questions about you and your environment,
  • or simply listen and develop your comprehension.

Things our tutors do not do

Edit your work: Our tutors can reread a text with you, point out aspects to revise, and suggest alternatives, if necessary, but you remain responsible of your work and all changes will be made by you.

Translate a text: Our tutors can respond to precise questions or orient you towards useful sites, but they will not translate a text for you.

Teach individual French courses: Tutoring sessions are offered in addition to French courses taken by students.

How to meet with a tutor

You can come in person to Singer Hall, Room 156, during our tutoring hours. It is not necessary to book an appointment, but we do advise that you consult our Bookings to check for availability and reserve your session.

You can have a tutoring session on Teams by reserving a session on Bookings. You will receive an email with a link for the session on Teams as well as a reminder.

Check tutoring hours for Winter 2025 or book a session.

Contact crftutors@unb.ca for more information.

Access to Antidote

Antidote is a very powerful text editing software, but it is not free. The CRF provides two free accesses to Antidote for students in Singer Hall 156 during our tutoring hours.

While it is not necessary, we do recommend that you reserve a session to use Antidote, especially if you are not familiar with it. One of our tutors will be able to help you make the most of it. Check tutoring hours or book a session.

Mutual respect

Our tutors at the CRF treat all students with respect and curtesy and expect the same treatment in return.