Physics Option
Department of Physics
General Office: | I.U.C. - Physics & Administration Building, Rooms 206/209 |
Mailing Address: | Department of Physics, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, E3B 5A3 |
Phone: | (506) 453-4723 |
Fax: | (506) 453-3570 |
Email: | |
Website: | // |
- Adam, Allan G., BSc, MSc (UWO), PhD (Wat), Prof (Cross Appt - Chemistry) - 1991
- Backman, Philip J., BSc (Dal), MSc (UND), Teaching Prof - 2004
- Balcom, Bruce, BSc (Mt.All.), PhD (UWO), Prof (Cross Appt - Chemistry) & Canada Research Chair - 1993
- Barrett, Brynle, BSc (SMU), PhD (York), Asst Prof - 2021
- Benton, J. Bruce, BSc, MSc (UNB), Teaching Prof - 1983
- Ghosh, S.N., BSc (Calc), MSc (Calc & Nfld), PhD (UNB), Teaching Prof - 1978
- Hamza, Abdelhaq, BSc (Algiers), MSc, PhD (MIT), Prof - 1995
- Husain, Viqar, BSc (Manchester), PhD (Yale), Prof (Cross Appt - Math & Stat) - 1999
- Jayachandran, P. T. BSc (Calicut), MSc (Andhra), PhD (Andhra), Prof and Chair - 2005
- Mastikhin, Igor, MSc, PhD (Novosibirsk State), Prof - 2002
- Newling, Benedict, BA, PhD (Camb.), Prof - 2002, Asst Dean - 2019
- Normandeau, Magdalen, BSc, MSc (Laval), PhD (Calgary), Teaching Prof - 2005
- Seahra, Sanjeev, BSc, PhD (Waterloo), Prof (Cross Appt - Math & Stat) - 2010
- Tokaryk, Dennis, BSc (Sask), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Guelph), Prof - 2002
- Ward, William, BSc (UWO), PhD (York), Prof - 2001
- Wilson-Ewing, Edward, BSc. (Bishops), PhD (Penn. State), Asst Prof - 2017
- Yan, Zong-Chao, BSc (Shanghai Teachers U.), MSc (Tongji), MSc (Nfld), PhD (Windsor), Prof - 1999
- Zhao, Saibei, BSc (Zhong Shan Univ.), MSc (Beijing U. E. D. Research Inst.), PhD (UNB), Teaching Prof - 2000
General Information
Programs are offered at four different levels:
- Honours: These programs are designed primarily for qualified students intending to pursue a post graduate education. In general, the Honours programs require more specialization and a greater overall course load than the Major programs. A Co-op program is available.
Major: The Major programs allow a wider choice of courses outside the Physics Department and a somewhat reduced course load.
Pass: A Pass degree is intended for students who require a basic foundation in Physics to undertake further study in another area (such as X-ray technology, medical imaging technology, etc.) It has fewer requirements than a Major in Physics.
- Minor: A Minor in Physics consists of first year physics (PHYS 1061, PHYS 1062, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092 or equivalent) plus at least a further 14 ch of approved physics courses (at least 24 ch of physics courses in total).
A student may do a Major, Honours or Honours Co-op program in Physics or Applied Physics.
Students entering second year from Engineering must complete the requirements of First Year of their physics program before graduation. CHEM 1982 may replace CHEM 1012 and CHEM 1987 may replace CHEM 1017. Note that students must take CHEM 1001 and CHEM 1006. PHYS 1081 and EE 1813 may replace First Year Physics i.e. PHYS 1051, PHYS 1052, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092 (or equivalently PHYS 1061, PHYS 1062, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092 or PHYS 1071, PHYS 1072, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092).
The Applied Physics program is not an Engineering program and does not satisfy the requirements for a P.Eng. qualification.
Honours Program
A student intending to take Honours should consult with the undergraduate advisor in physics.
All students in Honours Programs are required to complete an Advanced Research Project (PHYS 4338). Students must have arranged with the Department for an appropriate project by October of their final year and must submit a report to the Department. The deadline for the report is decided and circulated each year, but is usually late in March.
To remain in and graduate in Honours, the student must meet certain minimum standards in the course work beyond second year.
- In each term of study beyond second year, the student must have a GPA of at least 3.0 calculated from the grades of the courses taken that term.
- The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the required upper level physics courses and a minimum grade of B- in PHYS 4338.
When students apply to graduate with Honours, records will be checked for compliance with 1 and 2 above. In the event a student does not meet requirements he/she may request permission from the department for an exception of standards 1 and/or 2 above. Students offering all the courses necessary for the Honours program but failing to meet the qualifications outlined in 1 and 2 above will receive Major degrees, subject to general university regulations for graduation.
Honours Physics
Elective courses listed below total a minimum of 36 ch (of which 18 ch must be physics courses) for the Honours degree.
First Year:
PHYS 1051 or PHYS 1061 or PHYS 1071, PHYS 1052 or PHYS 1062 or PHYS 1072, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092, MATH 1003 or MATH 1053, MATH 1013 or MATH 1063, CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1012, CHEM 1017 plus two more term lecture courses chosen from BIOL 1001, BIOL 1012, ESCI 1001, ESCI 1012, plus 6 ch of electives.
NOTE: Students are reminded that to go into the second year of any PHYSICS program, they must have completed MATH 1013 or MATH 1063, since second year math must be taken with the second year physics courses.
Second Year:
PHYS 2311, PHYS 2312, PHYS 2327, PHYS 2331, PHYS 2342, PHYS 2351, PHYS 2372, MATH 2003, MATH 2013, MATH 2213, CS 1073 or CS 1003, plus approved physics electives totalling 3 ch.
Third Year:
PHYS 3331, PHYS 3322, PHYS 3336, PHYS 3338, PHYS 3342, PHYS 3351 plus additional approved physics electives totalling at least 9 ch, plus MATH 3243, plus MATH 3413 or CS 3113 or equivalent, plus approved electives totalling at least 6 ch.
Fourth Year:
PHYS 4323, PHYS 4332, PHYS 4351, PHYS 34371, PHYS 4338, plus approved physics electives totalling at least 6 ch, plus STAT 3083, plus additional approved electives totalling at least 6 ch.
Physics Major
Electives courses listed below total a minimum of 48 ch (of which 21 ch must be physics courses) for the Major degree:
First Year:
PHYS 1051 or PHYS 1061 or PHYS 1071, PHYS 1052 or PHYS 1062 or PHYS 1072, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092, MATH 1003 or MATH 1053, MATH 1013 or MATH 1063, CHEM 1001, CHEM 1006, CHEM 1012, CHEM 1017 plus two more term lecture courses chosen from BIOL 1001, BIOL 1012, ESCI 1001, ESCI 1012, plus 6 ch of electives.
NOTE: Students are reminded that to go into the second year of any PHYSICS program, they must have completed MATH 1013 or MATH 1063, since second year math must be taken with the second year physics courses.
Second Year:
PHYS 2311 , PHYS 2312, PHYS 2327, PHYS 2331, PHYS 2351, MATH 2003, MATH 2013, MATH 2213, CS 1073 or CS 1003, plus approved electives totaling at least 3 ch.
Third and Fourth Years:
PHYS 2342, PHYS 2372, PHYS 3321, PHYS 3336, PHYS 3342, PHYS 3351, PHYS 4332, MATH 3243, MATH 3413 or CS 3113 plus approved physics electives totalling at least 18 ch plus approved electives totalling at least 18 ch.
Make-Up Year:
Physics Major students who decide to prepare themselves for graduate studies in Physics at UNB might be required to take a further year of study composed of the following: PHYS 4323, PHYS 4351, PHYS 34371, PHYS 4338, and STAT 3083 and 3 ch Math/Stats electives + 9 ch of approved electives.
Applied Physics Program (Honours or Major)
First Year:
PHYS 1051 or PHYS 1061 or PHYS 1071, PHYS 1052 or PHYS 1062 or PHYS 1072, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092, MATH 1003, MATH 1001, ESCI 1012, plus 6 ch of electives. NOTE: Students are reminded that to go into the second year of any PHYSICS program, they must have completed MATH 1013 or MATH1063 , since second year math must be taken with the second year physics courses.
Second Year:
PHYS 2311, PHYS 2312, PHYS 2327, PHYS 2331, PHYS 2342, PHYS 2351, PHYS 2372, MATH 2003, MATH 2013, MATH 2213, CS 1073 .
Third and Fourth Years:
PHYS 3321, PHYS 3331, PHYS 3336, PHYS 3342, PHYS 3351, PHYS 4323, PHYS 4332, PHYS 4338, PHYS 4351, PHYS 34371, PHYS 4722, PHYS 4823, MATH 3243, MATH 3413 or CS 3113 or equivalent, an approved course in Statistics plus approved electives which should include engineering and/or computer science courses totalling at least 24 ch.
Electives may be chosen to prepare the student for specialization in various aspects of applied Physics.
NOTE: In choosing electives students must ensure that they satisfy prerequisite requirements for desired electives.
Physics Co-op Program
The UNB Faculty of Science seeks to provide opportunities for students and employers to develop relationships that enhance the learning experience for students and present employers with skilled, motivated employees looking to make a career connection. To achieve this, the Faculty through the Department of Physics, and other Science departments and programs, operates a Co-operative education program. Co-op opportunities are available for qualified students, please refer to the Science section of this calendar for detailed information.
Pass Program
A pass degree is intended for students who require a basic foundation in Physics to undertake further study in another area (such as X ray technology, medical imaging technology, etc.). The requirements are those of second year Honours Physics plus at least 30 ch of approved physics electives plus a minimum of 15 ch of approved electives. A minimum of 126 credit hours are required for graduation.