
PHYS2331Research Skills3 ch (3C) (W)

Role within programme and connections to other courses. This course helps us to acquire skills needed to do research. These include two different aspects: (1) how to deal with experimental limitations (2) how to read and write scientific documents. The skills acquired in this course are subsequently applied in other courses. In all future experimental work, we will treat experimental limitations properly and fully. In all future courses involving reports, written work will meet or exceed the standards established in the Research Skills course. The title of this course emphasises the fact that the programme does more than fill us with physics facts. This is also an opportunity to review other skills, which are developed by the programme (problem solving strategies, approximation, presentation skills, index/abstract searching, etc.). All of these skills are generally applicable in physics & beyond. Content. Uncertainty analysis, Data processing and analysis, Reading and understanding technical literature, Technical writing. 

Prerequisites: Either PHYS 1061, PHYS 1062, or PHYS 1051, PHYS 1052, and, PHYS 1091, PHYS 1092 or equivalent, MATH 1003, MATH 1013 or permission. 

Co-requisite: MATH 2003 or equivalent.