Earth Sciences
Students should note that in the Science Faculty the minimum acceptable grade in a course which is required by a particular program or is used to meet a prerequisite, is a "C". Any student who fails to attain a "C" or better in such a course must repeat the course (at the next regular session) until a grade of "C" or better is attained. Students will not be eligible for graduation until such deficiencies are removed. The only exception will be granted for a single course with a "D" grade that is normal part of the final year of that program, and is being taken for the first time in their final year.
NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
ESCI1003 | Earth Science & Sustainability for Engineers | 3 ch (3C) |
ESCI1026 | Geology Lab for Engineers | 2 ch (3L) |
An introductory study covering topographic and geological maps (bedrock and surficial) and their interpretation; construction of cross sections; identification of common minerals, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; geological structures (map analysis as a predictive tool); dating and the geological time scale; coastal processes; mass wasting (especially the recognition and amelioration of hazards related to debris flows, avalanche and landslides); and glaciations and glacial deposits (especially glacial deposits in eastern Canada and their significance to engineers). |
ESCI1041 | Environmental Sciences | 3 ch (3C) |
ESCI1046 | Introductory Environmental Earth Sciences Lab | 2 ch (3L) |
An introductory laboratory course that provides practical laboratory experiences related to practicing Environmental Geology. The lab uses a mixture of written exercises, hands-on activities, satellite and Google Earth explorations. Specific topics may include: tectonic processes and earthquakes, earth materials and geological time, paleontology, volcanoes and volcanic hazards, river floods and groundwater, mass wasting and landslides. NOTE: Credit can only be obtained for ESCI 1046 or ESCI 1017. |
ESCI1057 | Introduction to Geology Laboratory | 2 ch (3L) |
A laboratory course designed to accompany ESCI 1052. An introductory study covering topographic and geological maps (bedrock and surficial) and their interpretation; construction of cross sections; identification of common minerals, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; geological structures (map analysis as a predictive tool); radiometric and relative age dating and the geological time scale; coastal processes; glaciations and glacial deposits; aspects of plate tectonics. NOTE: Credit can only be obtained for one of ESCI 1057 or its equivalents, ESCI 1006, ESCI 1026, GE 1026. |
ESCI1703 | Field School (8 days) | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Provides an inquiry-based hands-on laboratory and field investigations of the fundamentals of geoscience. Introduces the identification and interpretation of minerals, rocks, and geomorphology in the lab and in the field. Topographic maps, geologic maps, and Google Earth Pro are used to analyze and understand a variety of dynamic systems, including glaciers, geologic structures, and coastlines. Surveys geologic time and plate tectonics to gain a basic understanding of our local geologic history. Connections between people, resources, natural earth systems, and the geological evolution of Fredericton and regional areas are discussed. |
ESCI2022 | Engineering Geology | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
A study of geological materials and hazards for site investigation and assessment of risk and remediation; engineering classification of geological materials, properties and relationships; engineering in the existing and changing environment and exacerbation of natural processes; geological constraints for construction, foundations, tunnelling, waste disposal and mining, with case histories of geological problems in engineering projects. NOTE: Cross-listed as GE 2022. Credit may be obtained for only one of ESCI 2022 or its equivalent GE 2022. Prerequisites: ESCI 1003 / ESCI 1001, ESCI 1052 or equivalent or permission of the instructor. |
ESCI2131 | Earth and Planetary Materials | 4 ch (3C 3L) (W) |
Appraisal of rock-forming materials for Earth and similar solid planetary bodies. Fundamentals of mineralogy, with emphasis on crustal and mantle silicates. Controls on mineral structure and composition related to temperature, pressure and chemistry. Laboratories focus on describing the physical properties of the more common minerals, their identification in hand specimen, determining their structural formulae and appraising their economic value. Pre- or co-requisites: ESCI 1001, ESCI 1052 and ESCI 1006, ESCI 1026 / ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703; or ESCI 1003 and ESCI 2022/GE 2022. Recommended co-requisite: ESCI 2211. |
ESCI2142 | Mineralogy and Petrology | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
We learn the use of polarizing microscopy techniques to identify and describe the textures of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, mineral and rock identification, and rock classification. Lectures also focus on concepts of mineral nucleation and growth, simple thermodynamic controls on mineral stability, and the kinetic parameters that control crystallization rates of rocks and minerals. The laboratories focus on the practical aspects of mineral and rock description and identification using polarizing microscopy techniques. Prerequisite: ESCI 2131. |
ESCI2211 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
Lectures and labs first cover the description and classification of the physical and chemical properties of sediment and sedimentary rock. This is followed by investigation into the processes (including environmental and engineering impacts) involved in the origin of sediment, such as weathering, and sediment precipitation. Subsequently studied are the processes influencing, and sedimentary structures produced by, mass movements (incl. landslides, sinkholes), coastal/river erosion, sediment transportation, deposition/siltation, ground liquefaction, soil formation, and lithification. The course concludes with an introduction to basic sedimentary facies, stratigraphic principles, and the relative and absolute dating of strata. Pre- or co-requisites: ESCI 1001/ ESCI 1052, and ESCI 1006/ ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ ESCI 1703 or ESCI 1003 and ESCI 2022/GE 2022. Recommended co-requisite: ESCI 2131 . |
ESCI2272 | Paleontology (Cross-Listed: BIOL 2372) | 4 ch (2C 3L) |
The course provides an overview of the evolution of life on Earth, its origin, diversification and its gradual expansion from sea to land. Focus is on the processes leading to fossilization and on the major events of the evolution of life. Students are introduced to the taxonomy and ecology of the invertebrate groups most commonly represented in the fossil record, with special attention for the fossilizable parts and their significance towards understanding the evolution of the total biosphere. Further emphasis is on how fossilized remains and traces of organisms can be used in the fields of stratigraphy, paleoecology and paleoclimatology. NOTE: Credit may be obtained for only one of ESCI 2272, BIOL 2372, ESCI 3271 or BIOL 3371. |
ESCI2321 | Structural Geology I | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
An introduction to geometrical aspects of earth sciences with emphasis on cartographic methods, geological map production and interpretation and basic compass techniques. Geological map studies are supported by an introduction to lithological assemblages, tectonic structures (faults and fold patterns), Earth architecture and the tectonic evolution of North America.
ESCI2602 | Principles of Geochemistry | 4 ch (3C 1T) (W) |
Origin of elements. Theories of the origin and chemical evolution of the earth, atmosphere, and oceans. Laws governing the distribution of elements in the earth. Application of phase diagrams to petrologic problems of the crust and mantle. Chemical weathering. Use of stable and radioactive isotopes in geology. Geobarometry and geothermometry. Hydrothermal process and base-metal ore deposits. Prerequisites: CHEM 1012, CHEM 1017 (or equivalent), MATH 1013 or MATH 1063. |
ESCI2703 | Field School (2 weeks) | 5 ch (field school) (W) (EL) |
Principles of stratigraphy and geological mapping. Provides two weeks supervised training in field work and preparation of stratigraphic sections, geological maps, and cross sections. At least the cost of accommodation expenses is paid by the student. |
ESCI3131 | Origin of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks | 4 ch (2C 3L) (W) |
Petrology of igneous and metamorphic rocks with emphasis on their macroscopic textures, mineral associations, classification and field relations. Laboratories concentrate on the identification of the common igneous and metamorphic rocks using hand specimens and thin sections. Prerequisites: ESCI 2142, ESCI 2602. |
ESCI3292 | Climate and Environmental Change Through Time (A) | 4 ch (3C 2L) (W) |
An investigation of the turning points in Earth’s history from its formation, over the emergence/evolution of life and connected environmental changes, to the eventual appearance of humans. We discuss both paleontological and geological records, examine the mechanisms that steer climatic changes, and put the recent history of Earth’s climate into a long-term perspective. Prerequisites: ESCI 1001/ESCI 1052, ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041, ESCI 1017/ESCI 1046, ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703. Recommended: ESCI 2211 and/or ESCI 2272. |
ESCI3322 | Structural Geology II | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
Stress and strain, introduction to deformational behaviour of rocks. Origin of folds, foliations, lineations, joints and faults. Geometrical analysis. Labs will include simple experiments and advanced map problems. Prerequisites: ESCI 2321, ESCI 2703. Recommended: ESCI 2142. |
ESCI3411 | Rock Mechanics | 4 ch (3C 2L) (W) |
Lectures and labs investigate the deformation and fracture behaviour of rocks when subjected to natural and engineering-imposed stress fields. The concepts of stress, strain, stress-strain relations, and strength are applied to geological materials in laboratory and field settings. The mechanisms involved in the failure of continuous, discontinuous, ductile, and brittle rocks are discussed. Consideration of these subjects is given in the context of various rock engineering applications, including slopes and underground excavations such as mines, tunnels, and caverns. Prerequisites: ESCI 2321 or CE 2023, MATH 1013 or MATH 1063. |
ESCI3442 | Geohydrology (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
An introduction to the global water cycle and water balance, catchment water balance, measurement and estimation of water balance parameters, aspects of sediment transport and erosion, monitoring the distribution of contamination by sediment sampling. Assignments focus on aspects of catchment water balance. Seminars and term papers are based on topics of regional and global importance with respect to water availability and quality. Prerequisites: ESCI 1001/ESCI 1052, ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041 and one of ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703. |
ESCI3482 | Mineral Resources, Economics, and the Environment | 3 ch (3C) |
This course presents various types of mineral deposit resources, integrated with economic and environmental considerations with impacts related to exploration and mining activity. Prerequisites: ESCI 1001/1052, ESCI 1012/1041 and ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ ESCI 1703; or ESCI 1003, ESCI 2022/GE 2022. |
ESCI3492 | Petroleum Geology, Carbon Cycle & the Environment (A) | 3 ch (3C) |
Prerequisites: ESCI 1001/ESCI 1052, ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041 and one of ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703; or ESCI 1003, ESCI 2022/GE 2022. Recommended ESCI 2211, ESCI 2321. |
ESCI3621 | Exploration Geochemistry (O) | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
Application of geochemistry to mineral exploration. Distribution and controls on element migration in rocks and soils. Recognition of anomalous concentrations. Selected case histories. Common analytical methods for rock, soil, and water samples. Prerequisites: ESCI 1001/ESCI 1052; ESCI 1003/ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041; ESCI 1006/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703; MATH 1013/MATH 1063; CHEM 1012; ESCI 2602, or BIOL 2023 or CHEM 2121, or CHEM 2601. |
ESCI3631 | Geochemistry of Natural Waters | 4 ch (3C 3L) (W) |
The principles of chemical equilibria, reaction kinetics and transport applied to natural water systems. Chemical weathering and diagenesis. Chemistry of surface waters, ground water and the oceans. Geochemical cycles. Applications to environmental problems. Labs include chemical analysis of water, carbonate equilibria and geochemical modeling. One Saturday field trip. Prerequisite: ESCI 2602 or permission of instructor. |
ESCI3703 | Field School (2 weeks) | 5 ch (field school) (W) (EL) |
Principles of structural geology and geological mapping. Provides two weeks supervised training in field work and preparation of an independent structural map and report of a selected area. At least the costs of accommodation expenses are paid by the student. To be taken as part of the final year. |
ESCI3713 | Geoenvironmental Field School (A) (2 weeks) | 5 ch (field school) (W) (EL) |
Applications of geological, geochemical, geophysical and hydrological methods to an environmental site investigation. Typically includes one week of field work followed by one week for the analysis of data and preparation of a comprehensive written report summarizing the field investigation, synthesizing results, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations. A cost will be associated with this course. Prerequisites: ESCI 2703, or permission of the instructor, ESCI 3442, ESCI 3631. |
ESCI3803 | Work Term Report I | CR |
A written report on the scientific activities of the work term. Credit for the course is dependent in part on the employer's evaluation of the student's work activities. Students must be accepted into the Geology Co-op program to register for this course. |
ESCI4112 | Igneous and Metamorphic Petrogenesis (A) | 4 ch (2C 3L) (W) |
Study of igneous and metamorphic rocks emphasizing the processes responsible for their formation in terms of heat, pressure and fluid effects related to tectonic setting. Laboratories primarily concentrate on the acquisition of observational skills via hand specimens and detailed petrographic work supported by interpretation of geochemical and isotopic datasets. Prerequisite: ESCI 3131. |
ESCI4152 | Volcanology (O) | 4 ch (2C 3L) |
Physical volcanology, textural, petrologic, and petrogenetic study of ultramafic to felsic volcanic systems in a variety of tectonic environments are examined. Emphasis on magma/melt properties, phase relations and composition, crystallization processes, and gas exsolution and groundwater interaction processes are key. Laboratory studies emphasize petrology of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks in a variety of geological settings. Prerequisite: ESCI 3131. |
ESCI4212 | Sedimentary Environments, Landforms, and Sequences (A) | 4 ch (3C 3L) (W) |
Lectures focus on processes active in modern sedimentary environments, (e.g., rivers, lakes, deltas, estuaries, beaches, barrier islands, shallow and deep oceans); their geomorphologies (landform development/modification), and facies; and their interpretation and successions in the geologic record (sequence stratigraphy), particularly as they relate to the interpretation of changing sea-/lake-levels, and climate. Labs cover microscopic examination of sedimentary diagenesis, introductory air photo/image analysis and interpretation of landforms, and exercises relating to paleogeography, sea-/lake-level change, and (sequence-) stratigraphic correlation. Prerequisites: ESCI 2142, ESCI 2211.
ESCI4282 | Introductory Oceanography and Paleoceanography (A) (Cross-Listed: BIOL 4652) | 4 ch (3C 2L) |
The oceans modulate the climate, are key regulators of biogeochemical cycles and support rich and diverse biological habitats. Designed to provide an overview of the role and functioning of the modern oceans. Also introduces students to the latest methods used in paleoceanography (i.e. the study of past oceanic conditions), a domain that has contributed considerably to our understanding of climate functioning and changes. A sample of the topics, related to the chemistry, physics and biology of the oceans that will be discussed includes: thermohaline circulation, dynamics of upwelling zones, tides, El Niño/La Niña and other climate oscillations, biogeochemical cycles, impact of human activities on the oceans (e.g. eutrophication, acidification), tracers and proxies in marine records (e.g. biological tracers and biomarkers, geochemical tracers, etc.). Credit may not be obtained for both ESCI 4282 and BIOL 4652. |
ESCI4312 | Geotectonics | 3 ch (3C/S/T) |
Seminar course investigating the principles of crustal growth and recycling, plate tectonics, plate motions, plate margin processes, mantle anisotropy, and their application to Phanerozoic, Proterozoic, and Archean mantle and lithosphere evolution. |
ESCI4322 | Flow of Rocks (O) | 4 ch (2C 3L) |
Application of material science to rock deformation. Theory of rock deformation. Development of microstructure and fabric in deformed rock. Labs will be concerned with observation and measurement of microstructure and fabric. |
ESCI4401 | Applied Glacial Geology | 4 ch (3C 3L) (W) |
Study of the mass balance of glaciers and characteristics of flow, erosion and deposition by active and stagnant ice masses, facies relationships in processes and products of glaciated terrain, and assessment of terrain from air photos, maps, geophysical and core data. Practical applications include: relevance of sample collection and analyses for geotechnical evaluation and mineral prospecting, and identification of industrial resources and terrain hazards. Prerequisites: ESCI 2211, ESCI 2321 or permission of the instructor. |
ESCI4412 | Applied Rock Mechanics (O) | 4 ch (3C 2L) (W) |
Lectures and labs investigate applications of rock mechanics and rock engineering principles, using geological and geomechanical data in the open-ended design of surface and underground engineering structures sited in rocks, as well as geo-hazard mitigation. Analysis of design problems incorporates several industry standard software packages. The natural variability of geomaterials and implications for effective design solutions are discussed. |
ESCI4422 | Applied Remote Sensing | 4C (3C 3L) |
Explore remote sensing principles, techiques, and applications, with a focus on Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences. Gain foundational knowledge in electromagnetic radiation; remote sensing platforms; image, radar and LiDAR data processing and interpretation; and GIS. Develop data generation, management, and analysis skills using field and computational methods. Use problem-based learning to study mineral resource potential, glacerized and glaciated environments, planetary geology, land cover change, geotechnical problems, and natural hazards. |
ESCI4452 | Environmental Impact Assessment (A) | 3 ch (3C) |
Introduction to environmental impact assessment (EIA) from the Canadian perspective, covering the history, scope and need for EIA, as well as the general approach and regulatory framework used in Canada and New Brunswick. The majority of the course focuses on geosciences in environmental investigations. Topics include: goals of investigations; physical processes of dispersion in the atmosphere, surface water, groundwater and glacial systems; important geochemical concepts that influence the transport and fate of contaminants in the environment. |
ESCI4461 | Economic Geology | 4 ch (2C 3L) |
General features of mineral deposits, their origin, localization and classification, with emphasis on exploration, evaluation and development. Prerequisite: ESCI 4461 or approval of instructor. |
ESCI4472 | Mineral Resource Exploration Geology (A) | 4 ch (2C 3L) |
Advanced features of mineral deposits, their origin, localization and classification, with emphasis on exploration, evaluation and development. Prerequisites: ESCI 4461, or approval of instructor. |
ESCI4501 | Applied Geophysics I (A) | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
Introduction to the principles, survey procedures and interpretation techniques of the gravity, magnetic, and gamma radiation methods of geophysical exploration. Applications of these methods to geological mapping, mineral and hydrocarbon exploration, engineering and environmental applications. Prerequisites: MATH 1013 or MATH 1063, PHYS 1062 and PHYS 1092 or equivalent. Recommended: MATH 2513 or MATH 2013. |
ESCI4512 | Applied Geophysics II | 4 ch (3C 3L) |
Introduction to principles, survey procedures and interpretation techniques of electrical, electromagnetic, and seismic methods of geophysical exploration. Applications of these methods to mineral and hydrocarbon exploration as well as engineering and hydrogeological-environmental investigations. Prerequisites: MATH 1013 or MATH 1063, PHYS 1062 and PHYS 1092 or equivalent. Recommended: MATH 2513 or MATH 2013. |
ESCI4612 | Isotope Geochemistry (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Theory and application of stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry in geology. Coverage includes radiometric dating, radiogenic and stable isotopic systems in petrology and geochemistry, and applications of radiogenic and stable isotopes to the solution of problems in lithospheric evolution, paleoclimatology and environmental geochemistry. |
ESCI4803 | Work Term Report II | CR |
A written report on the scientific activities of the work term. Credit for the course is dependent in part on the employer's evaluation of the student's work activities. Students must be accepted into the Geology Co-op program to register for this course. Prerequisite: ESCI 3803. |
ESCI4900 | Thesis Project | 8 ch (W) (EL) |
Students who intend to undertake a thesis project, either as an elective course or as a requirement for an Honours BSc degree, are advised to consult with their intended faculty supervisor near the end of their third year. Students must have CGPA of 3.0 or better. Additional requirements and guidelines for the project can be obtained from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. A written request for admission to the Honours programe and/or for permission to take this course must be submitted by the student to the Departmental Chair no later than the last day to add classes of the fall term of the student's final year; the letter must state the provisional title of the project and the name of the faculty member who has agreed to supervise the project. |
ESCI4913 | Independent Studies in Geology | 3 ch |
Advanced studies in a topic in geological sciences. The topic is to be chosen jointly by the student, advisor and Chair of the Department. May be taken for credit more than once. Title of topic will appear on transcript. Prerequisite: Third year standing and a GPA of at least 2.5. Permission of the Department. |