

This course is a continuation of BIOL 1711 which will study human anatomy from a regional perspective, and will expand especially upon the musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Limited enrollment; Kinesiology students have first priority. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

 Prerequisite: BIOL 1711 or 1719.

BIOL2812Human Anatomy II4 ch (3C 2L) (LE)

This course is a continuation of BIOL 1711 which will study human anatomy from a regional perspective, and will expand especially upon the musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Limited enrollment; Kinesiology students have first priority. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

 Prerequisite: BIOL 1711 or 1719.