

This course is a general study of human anatomy which will include the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous (including eye and ear), cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive. Limited enrollment; priority given to students in Kinesiology, Nursing and Biology-Chemistry (Pre-Health Professions stream). Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

Co-requisite: BIOL 1001, 1009 or permission of the instructor. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1711 and 1719.

BIOL1711Human Anatomy I4 ch (3C 2L) (LE)

This course is a general study of human anatomy which will include the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous (including eye and ear), cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive. Limited enrollment; priority given to students in Kinesiology, Nursing and Biology-Chemistry (Pre-Health Professions stream). Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

Co-requisite: BIOL 1001, 1009 or permission of the instructor. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1711 and 1719.