

This course is the online version of BIOL 1711.  Kinesiology students must first take BIOL 1711. BIOL 1719 is available to students prior to enrolment in Nursing, and current Nursing and Kinesiology students with permission of the instructor.  This course is also available to other students (e.g. from Science) as an elective. The course is a general study of human anatomy which will include the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous (including eye and ear), cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive.  

Co- or prerequisite: BIOL 1001, 1009, or permission of the instructor. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1711 and 1719.


BIOL1719Human Anatomy I - Online4 ch (C/L)

This course is the online version of BIOL 1711.  Kinesiology students must first take BIOL 1711. BIOL 1719 is available to students prior to enrolment in Nursing, and current Nursing and Kinesiology students with permission of the instructor.  This course is also available to other students (e.g. from Science) as an elective. The course is a general study of human anatomy which will include the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous (including eye and ear), cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive.  

Co- or prerequisite: BIOL 1001, 1009, or permission of the instructor. Credit will not be given for both BIOL 1711 and 1719.