(Approved by: SJ Senate, 16 January 1992; F Senate, 11 February 1992; Board of Governors, 30 January 1992; Board of Governors 3 February 2005, F Senate 29 March 2005, SJ Senate 30 March 2005, SJ Senate 23 March 2011, F Senate 29 March 2011, BOG 14 April 2011)
That membership of the University Honorary Degrees Committee (a joint Board-Senate Committee) be:
Quorum: The President and at least 4 other members
That the terms of reference for the University Honorary Degrees Committee be:
1. That nominations for the following year continue to be solicited in September with a customary deadline between 15 and 30 November.
2. That the communications and advertisements inviting nominations continue to include the guidelines and criteria and the information required by the Committee.
3. That any letter acknowledging nominations express the regret that because of the confidential nature of deliberations, enquiries concerning the disposition of recommendations cannot be answered, and the public announcement of awards is the only statement made.
4. That the number of awards normally be as follows: 1, or, in special circumstances 2, at each Encaenia ceremony, Fredericton; 1 or 2 at Spring Convocation , Saint John; 1 or 2 at Fall Convocations, Fredericton; 1 or 2 at Fall Convocation, Saint John.
5. That no categories of recipients be defined, but the guidelines be:
6. That the criteria continue to be as flexible as possible, and be phrased as two questions:
7. That the Committee continue to be provided with a "package" of nominations and a summary sheet at least one week before meeting.
8. That the Committee determine its own procedures which at minimum will be as follows:
9. That the list of Committee recommendations and a brief summary of the achievements of each candidate be sent to Board members, who will have the opportunity to express in writing any reservations with the list to the University Secretary.
10. That the list of the recommendations and summary of achievements be presented to the Board for ratification.
11. That the Board vote to accept or reject the entire list of recommendations.
12. That the President determine the degree to be awarded and the ceremony at which it will be awarded, and approach each candidate approved by the Board to determine acceptance.
13. In the event that an individual declines acceptance of an honorary degree that has been approved by the Board, or where the conferring of an approved degree has not been scheduled within three years of approval by the Board, the Honorary Degree will be deemed to be cancelled unless in the latter case, the time for conferral has been extended by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee.
14. That whenever possible, names of Honorary Degree recipients should be reported to the Senates before being announced to the media.