2025 Saint John Summer Term

NOTE: The dates shown below apply to Undergraduate programs. They do not necessarily apply to the School of Graduate Studies, the Faculty of Law, Nursing AP, or to Open Entry courses offered through the College of Extended Learning. Students in other programs should consult the appropriate Calendar or brochure.
Dates listed for each session include the exam dates.

Summer Term Session Dates:

  • Full Summer Term - Session A: May 5 - August 15
  • Session J: May 5 – May 26
  • Session H: May 5 – June 30
  • Session K : July 2 - August 15

Tuition and related fees are to bet set by Financial Services, please refer to their website at www.unb.ca/financialservices/students/index.html
Refund Policy for the Summer Term – May to Aug courses sessions A through K are based on prorated fees from the first day of class up to sixth class. No refund will be issued after the sixth class.

SUMMER TERM 2025 – Deadline Dates

Session A: May 5 – August 15 (63 days)

Session J: May 5-May 26 (15 days)

Session H:  May 5 - June 30 (35 days)

Session K: July 2 - August 15 (27 days)

Last day to add/drop. Courses dropped up to and including this day are not shown on the academic record. May 16 May 8 May 12 July 7
Last day to mark a course as "Extra". The course will not be counted towards the program of enrolment. June 18 May 14 May 29 July 14
Reading Break June 25-30 N/A N/A N/A
Last day to withdraw without academic penalty. A grade of "W" withdrawn will be shown on your academic record. After this date, a grade of "WF" (withdraw fail) will apply.
July 7 May 16 June 5 July 21
Last day for in class tests, applicable to sessions with exam periods. July 24 N/A June 16 July 24
Last Day of Classes August 8 May 26 June 23 August 8
Reading Day(s) August 9 N/A June 24 August 9
Exam Dates August 11-15 N/A June 25-30 August 11-15
Deadline for Course Payment The first day of classes is the deadline for summer term course fees to be paid in full.
Prorated Refund Deadline The calculation of prorated fees are based on the first day of class up to the sixth classes. No refund will issued after the sixth class.

NOTES: Dates listed for each session do not include the exam dates. Courses listed on the timetable without a session letter (FRE1) are Full Session. This may vary depending on individual course start & end dates.
NOTES: The Add/Drop dates for Full Session Course follow the term regulation which states the students may drop a term course up to the second Friday following the start date.

2025 Summer Term

SUMMER TERM 2025 (Saint John)
MAY Monday 05

UNB Summer Term begins
Classes begin:

Session A: May 5 - August 15
Session J: May 5 – May 26
Session H: May 5 – June 30
Session K : July 2 - August 15

Tuition fees are due.

Thursday 08 Last day for adding Session J courses. Session J courses dropped up to and including this date not shown on academic record.
Wednesday 14 Last day to have a course marked as Extra to degree Session J (not credited to the academic program and the grade is not include in the calculation of grade)
Friday 16
Last day to withdraw Session J courses without academic penalty. A grade of "W" (withdrawn) will be shown on the academic transcript. After this date a grade of "WF" (withdrawn fail) will apply. 
Monday 12 Last day for adding Session H courses. Session H courses dropped up to and including this date not shown on academic record.
Monday 19  Victoria Day - University Closed - no classes*
Monday 26 Last day of classes – Session J
Thursday 29 Last day to have a course marked as Extra to degree Session H (not credited to the academic program and the grade is not include in the calculation of grade point averages). Such a notation must be requested by the mid-point of the term.
JUNE Thursday 05 Last day to withdraw from Session H courses without academic penalty. A grade of "W" (withdrawn) will be shown on the academic transcript. After this date a grade of "WF" (withdrawn fail) will apply.
Monday 16 Last day for in class tests, Session H
Wednesday 18 Last day to have a course marked as Extra to degree Session A (not credited to the academic program and the grade is not include in the calculation of grade point averages). Such a notation must be requested by the mid-point of the term.
Monday 23 Last day of classes, Session H
Tuesday 24
Reading Day, Session H
Wednesday-Monday 25-30

Exams, Session H

Summer Term Reading Days, Session A

JULY Tuesday 01

Canada Day - University Closed - no classes*

Wednesday 02

Session K classes begin (July 2 – August). Tuition fees are due.

Monday 07

Last day to withdraw from Session A courses without academic penalty. A grade of “W” (withdrawn) will be shown on academic transcript. After this date a grade of “WF” (withdrawn fail) will apply.

Last day for adding or dropping Session K courses. Session K courses dropped up to and including this date not shown on academic transcript.

Friday 14

Last day to have a course marked as Extra to degree Session K (not credited to the academic program and the grade is not include in the calculation of grade point averages). Such a notation must be requested by the mid-point of the term.

Thursday 24 Last day for in class tests, Session A, Session K
AUGUST Monday 04 New Brunswick Day – University Closed – no classes or exams*
Friday 08

Last day of classes, Session A, Session K

Saturday 09

Reading Day, Session A, Session K

Monday- Friday 11-15

Exams - Session A and Session K

*Except for essential services, most university offices will be closed on the dates indicated as "University Closed". Essential functions, for example, UNB Security & Traffic, Facilties Management and the Residences will be staffed and operational. Emergency maintenance may be arranged through the Security Department. A few departments and facilities such as the libraries and computer labs may offer some services on certain holidays. Those wishing to use such services on a holiday are advised to check with the specific department about operations for that day.