Cheers to responsible enjoyment. As you navigate the vibrant campus scene, we're here to offer tips and resources for safe and mindful alcohol consumption. Learn more about staying safe and making smart choices.
General information
Alcohol and the law
- MADD Canada – Mothers Against Drunk Driving is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims/survivors
Alcohol and pregnancy
Getting help
Resources for UNB and STU Students
UNB resources
Services available in New Brunswick
- Fredericton Addiction and Mental Health Services (506) 453-2132 provides a range of services for individuals, youth and family members affected by substance abuse. This is a free, voluntary service and can be accessed with or without a referral. Initial appointments are offered within three business days. Addiction and mental health services are also available in other parts of New Brunswick and Canada.
- The Saint John Community Mental Health Service (506) 658-3737 provides community-based mental health services in short term and long-term rehabilitation, child and youth services, senior services, crisis programs and specialized mental health services for those involved with the legal system.
- Chimo Helpline is a provincial crisis phone line available 24/7 by calling1-800-667-5005
- New Brunswick Tele-Care is available 24/7 by calling 8-1-1.
- Call a Taxi 506-459-TAXI
Other resources
Drink sense
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health