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Undergraduate programs in psychology

Study the mind and behaviour

In UNB Saint John’s psychology program, you will ask why and how people do the things they do to understand our desires, impulses, actions, emotions and thoughts.

Learn from faculty members with expertise in fields such as neuroscience and animal behaviour, cognitive science, psychopharmacology and addictions, forensic psychology and criminal behaviour, and human development.

Small classes for greater interaction

At UNB, you’ll learn from faculty members with diverse backgrounds, education, and training. The small class sizes mean greater interaction between you, your instructors, psychology graduate students and other students.

You can gain hands-on experience by practicum courses, which allow students to work in the community in correctional, mental health, and long-term care facilities. We have courses that focus on the development of research skills, including small research-focused courses and honours research. You also have opportunities to volunteer in UNB research labs, to take part in research assistantships, and to attend professional conferences to present your research.

Because we know that different people have different interests and goals, we have flexible degree options.

Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science with a major in Psychology

We have three specializations that allow you to focus on a specific area of psychology that give you the flexibility to choose specific course to meet your goals.

Human behaviour is caused by electrochemical activity in the brain. Studying these processes can provide an understanding of how brain and behaviour are related to one another, as well as learning about how specific deficits in the brain are connected to observable changes in behaviour.

A specialization in cognitive psychology and neuroscience gives you an opportunity to focus on these biological processes occurring in the brain, and how they are connected to our thoughts and behaviours. You'll gain an understanding of how basic processes such as detection of edges can lead to more complex processes such as the use of language.

This specialization can lead you toward a career in medical imaging, research or computer programming. Completing this specialization could lead to professional programs in medicine, dentistry, and other health-related professions. If you complete this specialization as part of an honours degree in psychology, you could apply for advanced studies in cognition and neuroscience, studying towards a masters degree or doctorate.

Developmental psychologists test theoretical perspectives that describe, explain, and predict human behaviour across the lifespan. Research methodologies are used to plot the course of change from the prenatal period, through childhood, adolescence, and the adulthood years.

Particular attention is paid to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth in these time periods. This area of psychology is diverse, and research focuses on perceptual change, physical growth, biological and environmental influences, cognitive development, memory and learning, language and communication, emotional development, the self and social cognition, moral behaviours, the family, and peer relationships. By examining these topics across the lifespan, we can understand the course of continuity and change in development.

This specialization is ideal if you're interested in pursuing a career in developmental psychology and other related fields. Students can take courses in child development, adolescence, and aging. In addition, experiential practicums that get you into community organizations will support your classroom learning and allow you to gain experience in applied settings.

This program is a stepping stone towards advanced degrees in social work, child protection, speech therapy, and recreation and developmental services. Students who complete an honours degree and this specialization could apply to graduate programs in psychology that focus on developmental psychology and other health related professions, such as speech therapy and social work.

Psychological knowledge has an essential role to play in identifying, understanding and improving practices within the legal system, including understanding criminal behaviour and studying how best to reduce this behaviour; examining policing practices and procedures and informing best practices in their implementation to reduce miscarriages of justice and enhance quality of investigations; and identifying the impact of the diverse human behaviour elements operating within our court systems that impact judge and jury decision-making and courtroom practices.

The psychology and law specialization is relevant if you're considering working in law enforcement, correctional service roles (probation/parole/correctional officers), or as a lawyer, as well as careers within clinical/social service professions (e.g., counselors, social workers, youth workers, psychologists) that focus on people who are vulnerable to justice system involvement through increased risk of victimization or criminalization and who have become involved as a result of their criminal behaviour.

Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology Psychology

Biology-Psychology examines the human body and human behaviour. Researchers in this area study the brain and the nervous system to understand all aspects of the human experience, including our thoughts and emotions.

A major in Biology-Psychology will take courses in specialized topics such as perception, animal learning, cognition, social and developmental psychology, microbiology, genetics, physiology. In your first year you will take introductory courses in a cross section of science disciplines. These survey courses serve as the foundation for upper-level study.

This interdepartmental program is designed for students interested in pursing careers or post-graduate studies in neuroscience, human biology, psychology, medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy. Students who complete this degree could work in many different areas, including research, medical, and community organizations. Students who complete an honours degree in Biology Psychology can apply to graduate programs in biology, psychology and neuroscience.

Biology-psychology students often apply to professional programs in medicine and dentistry as well as health-related professions, such as occupational therapy. Elective courses in the humanities and social sciences, and in particular English and French are highly recommended if you plan to apply to a graduate professional program such as medical school or dentistry.

Get ready for your future career

Your career as a field researcher, laboratory manager, case worker, residential support worker, probation officer, program developer or research assistant starts at UNB Saint John. You will also be ready for advanced and professional degrees in medicine, psychology, and other health or social service-related disciplines. Acquire skills in:

  • critical thinking
  • knowledge integration
  • communication (written and oral)
  • organization
  • interpersonal relationships
  • research
  • laboratory experience

Minoring in psychology

The minor in psychology is perfect if you want to learn more about psychology but are completing a major in a different discipline. The minor in psychology can be completed by students in all other degree programs in arts, science, business, and health. You will be able to learn about topics in psychology that are applicable to your major. A minor could be valuable if you're planning a career in the public or private sector workforce (e.g., education, human resources, marketing, social/community services).

You will complete eight courses. The required statistics and research courses will help you understand the research process so that you can become a critical consumer of information. The four required electives allow you to select courses that are of interest to you. Your elective courses can supplement your major and provide you with a broader worldview.

Criminal justice studies at UNB is about crime, criminal behaviour and the criminal justice system. The minor focuses on social control, crime prevention, victimization and criminal sanctions. In this interdisciplinary minor, you can examine these things from multiple perspectives – psychological, sociological, historical, philosophical, and business. That means you’ll learn about complex criminal justice issues from multiple fields of study and perspectives.

You'll take required and elective courses in disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and history. You can complete field placements in a criminal justice setting, including provincial and federal corrections facilities. Regardless of your major, including psychology and sociology, you can complete the criminal justice minor. This minor would enhance your career possibilities if you're interested in working as a probation/parole officer, youth support worker, or a police officer.

Gerontology is the study of the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes that occur to individuals over the adult years. Gerontology also examines how outside influences impact the elderly in terms of health care, pensions, housing facilities, ethics, and end- of-life legislation. This minor will help you understand the needs of an aging community by examining changes from a multidisciplinary perspective. Regardless of your major, you can complete this minor to supplement your specific interests.

In this multidisciplinary minor, you'll take required courses in psychology, biology, and ethics as well as elective courses that focus on specific topics relevant to aging. You can complete community practicums in aging as a part of the minor. In these field placements, you will work with seniors in our community and in long-term care facilities. This minor is perfect if you're interested in working with seniors in a variety of different settings. It is relevant for a career in social work, government policy, nursing, occupational therapy or health care administration.