Esther Ataikiru
Effect of photoperiod and light intensity on picocyanobacterial growth rate.
Emily Blacklock
Combining archival tag data with ocean bathymetry and circulation models to infer migration paths of adult American lobster (Homarus americanus) in the Bay of Fundy/Gulf of Maine.
Emily Gibbons
Giant Irish moss, blue mussel clumps influence local-scale biodiversity in Basin Head, a marine protected area in Prince Edward Island.
Marijune Tiamzon
Impact of maternal size on brood size and hatch characteristics of American lobster, Homarus americanus.
Brandon Vriends
Mussel-giant Irish moss associations and their role on trophic interactions in Basin Head, Prince Edward Island.
Victoria Adams
Is HSP70 upregulated in freeze-tolerant crickets?
Samantha Beaton
Bacteria with nitrogen-fixing potential associated with ectomycorrhizae and surrounding Sphagnum moss.
Makatendeka Biton
Developing a localized surface plasmon aptasensor for the early detection of acute myocardial infarction.
Makayla Butorac
Body and tentacle movement patterns of lymnaea stagnalis in different environmental conditions.
Ashley Chiasson
Improved inference and analysis of the fungal DNA component within the microbial metagenome of pediatric oncology patients.
MinSang Cho
Uncovering bacterial interactions within dinoflagellates culture using genomics.
Nicole Daley
The histology of endochondral ossification in larval zebrafish tails.
Julie Ann Francois
Examination of diurnal activity patterns, social behavior, enclosure use and impact of visitor density in four species of penguins in captivity.
Hope Gorveatte
Investigating the relationship between CDK1 and Asp in mediating transit amplification of stem cell progeny in the drosophila germline.
Shreya Hande
The microarchitecture of harp seal bacula.
Sasha MacArthur
Offspring provisioning rates in an urban passerine: Do they change with parental age?
Peter MacGregor
The paradox of black ash: Environmentally variable yet rare.
Kelly MacInnis
Investigating the effect of hybridization on killifish metabolic rate.
Thomas MacLellan
The effects of liming on litter decomposition in freshwater streams and ponds.
Jack Nason
An assessment of inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) spawning success in Fundy National Park.
Daniel Plamondon
Developing a yeast based assay to study plant transport proteins.
Jacob Power
The acute and chronic effects of chemotherapy treatment on prefrontal cortex neurons.
Logan Reid
Comparing different types of phytoplankton community measurements to develop an optimal harmful algae monitoring strategy.
Lenayah Ryan
The impact of chain pickerel invasion on yellow lampmussel and their fish host in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
Gregory Santangeli
Environmental DNA detection of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar L.) via the use of novel nuclear repeat-based primers.
Lauren Schofield
Physiological responses in shrubs to coastal salt exposure.
Tayah Sommer
The function and regulation of kynurenine pathway intermediates in breast cancer metabolism.
Courtney Strugnell
Does methane regulate growth and physiological processes of heat-stressed canola plants?
Emily Templeman
Effects of a TAAR1 agonist on energy metabolism in breast cancer cell lines.
Jessica Thompson
Understanding whether cyclin-dependent Kinase 1 has a germline Stem Cell-specific mitotic role mediated through Asp.
Alyssa Wells
Mate fidelity in a double-brooded urban passerine.
Alexandra Wright
Gene expression in response to salt stress mediated by genome doubling in hordeum bulbosum.