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Promise Partnership

About the Promise Partnership

The Promise Partnership at the University of New Brunswick as part of the Integrated Health Initiative is dedicated to ensuring that every young person in New Brunswick has equitable access to quality education. Promise actively supports youth in local communities by bringing educational resources and opportunities directly to them.

Complementing the Promise Partnership is the Discovery Program, which opens the doors of the UNB Saint John campus to the youth of the Saint John area.

Together, these initiatives embody Promise Partnership’s commitment to transforming the future of education and community engagement, ensuring that all youth have the opportunity to thrive.

Mission and vision

Our journey

Since 2010, the Promise Partnership has been a catalyst for change, empowering youth through academic support while offering UNB Saint John students valuable volunteer and experiential learning experiences. Since 2023, Promise Partnership has been conducting research to inform our programs - including piloting activities in Discovery, completing Community and School Needs Assessments, and research specific to digital literacy and poverty.

Our partners

Promise works in partnership with various departments at UNB, the McKenna Institute, various school boards, community organizations and the Department of Education. We are excited about our expansion plans.

Connect with us

promise@unb.ca | discovery@unb.ca