Facilities Management is responsible for all maintenance on the Saint John Campus, at Beaverbrook House (127 Carleton Street), and the UNB building at 40 Charlotte Street and the residences. Maintenance is carried out by a team of 10 building operators and tradesmen who are dedicated to ensuring the structures and grounds of UNB Saint John are in optimal condition.
Maintenance includes:
- heating
- ventilation
- plumbing
- lighting
- signage
- electrical
- renovation
- building infrastructure
- snow removal
- garbage removal
- general maintenance and repair
With a staff of over 20 cleaners, SBC Facility Services, under the supervision of Facilities Management, strives to make UNB Saint John a clean, healthy and welcoming environment for students, faculty and staff. If you have a specific request for cleaning contact
Facilities Management is the UNB Saint John liaison with providers of electricity, steam, propane, natural gas, telephone, cell phones, and domestic hot and cold water to UNB facilities. Every effort is made to minimize utility interruption. Any unavoidable outages are communicated to the building occupants as soon as possible.
Heat to buildings is turned off in May and on again in October, with the exact day dependent on actual conditions of weather and scheduling.
Equipment purchases
It is essential to notify Facilities Management before any equipment is purchased with any special power or plumbing requirements. Facilities Management personnel will be pleased to assist you to ensure that the building services will be suitable for the equipment.
If new equipment has a special cooling requirement, contact the Building Operations Manager at to ensure the needs can be met. If an equipment purchase is part of a project, this will be looked after by the Project Manager.
All office moves must be submitted to us for approval. Once approved, a Work Order Request is filled out.
Facilities Management does not move furniture from one office to another in an office move. Furniture in an office stays in that office and if furniture is required at the new location, every effort is made to find suitable items in storage.
If no furniture is found to be suitable in storage, the department making the move is responsible to purchase furniture for the move. Should equipment need to be moved by an outside mover, the department will be charged for the cost of this service.
All files and items in bookcases and filing cabinets must be boxed by the employee being moved and ready for transport to the new location when the move is scheduled.
Furniture moves can be requested by emailing Items such as lab equipment and small items must be boxed by the requestor before it can be moved. Large items such as freezers will require special equipment to be moved and must be scheduled with us with as much notice as possible.
Facilities Management is responsible for the overall maintenance of the campus grounds, providing an attractive, enjoyable and safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Primary services include:
- Landscape and grounds maintenance: Mowing and trimming grass, pruning trees and shrubs, tending flowers.
- Landscape construction: Planting, removing and replacing trees and shrubs, site work including sodding, seeding, renovation of turf and construction of flower beds.
In case of fire:
- Pull nearest fire alarm
- Phone 911
- Notify Security (648-5675)
- Evacuate Building
Campus buildings and other university property are inspected for compliance with the Province of New Brunswick fire codes, local government ordinances and university regulations related to life and fire safety.
All campus fire alarm systems and central station reporting equipment are maintained in a ready state through regular inspections, testing and repair. Automatic sprinkler systems are inspected regularly and needed repairs or malfunctions are reported for corrective action.
Facilities Management is the UNB Saint John liaison with the City of Saint John Fire Department and the New Brunswick Fire Marshall's Office regarding code compliance.
Facilities Management plans ahead for most situations that could cause a disruption of service. We provide as much notice as possible; however, there will be occasions when the weather or an unplanned interruption in a utility will cause disruption or inconvenience. In most cases, Facilities Management is equipped to manage the effects of storms, to repair UNB Saint John utilities, or provide information on the return to service if the cause is the result of a problem with university owned systems.
Power failures
Power failures can be the result of an incident with our own equipment or with equipment belonging to Saint John Energy. In either case, electricians will be called to repair the problem as soon as possible.
If the problem originates with Saint John Energy, Facilities Management will be in contact with Saint John Energy. If you require information, contact us at during working hours or
UNB Security after hours.
Water disruptions
As with power failures, disruptions or problems with the water supply can originate either with UNB equipment or with City of Saint John equipment. Should there be any unplanned disruptions in water service or any discolouration of water, please contact us at during working hours, or
UNB Security after hours. The source of the problem will be traced and you will be advised regarding return to normal service.
Other events
It is the responsibility of Facilities Management to rectify failures to cooling, ventilation and heating systems. Such failures should be reported to us immediately at
Failures to computer-related facilities or audio-visual equipment are the responsibility of
Integrated Technology Services and should be reported to that department.