Campbell, M. A., Gill, C., & Ballucci, D. (2018). Informing police response to intimate partner violence: Predictors of perceived usefulness of risk assessment screening. Journal of Policing and Criminal Psychology, 33, 175-187.
Dyck, H., Campbell, M.A. & Wershler, J (2018). Real-world implementation of the Risk-Need-Responsivity model and the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory with community-supervised offenders. Law and Human Behavior, 42, 258-268.
Morrison, K. B., Brunelle, C., Campbell, M. A., Christie, T. K. S., & Hildebrandf, J. (2017). Diversity in the needs and outcomes of low-threshold/high-tolerance methadone maintenance therapy clients: A retrospective study. Canadian Journal of Addiction, 8, 26-33.
Ballucci, D., Gil, C., & Campbell, M.A. (2017). The power of attitude: The role of police culture and receptivity of risk assessment tools in IPV calls. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 11, 242-257.
Ennis, A. R., McLeod, P., Watt, M. C., Campbell, M. A., & Adams-Quackenbush, N. (2016). The role of gender in Mental Health Court admission and completion. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 58, 1-30.
Campbell, M.A., Canales, D. D., Wei, R., Totten, A., Macaulay, W.A.C., & Wershler, J. L. (2015). Multidimensional evaluation of a mental health court: Adherence to the risk-need-responsivity model. Law and Human Behavior, 39(5), 489-502.
Secco, L., Letourneau, N., & Campbell, M.A. (2014). Stresses, Strengths and experiences of mothers engaged in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT). Journal of Addictions Nursing, 25(3), 139-147.
Canales, D., Campbell, M.A., Wei, R., & Totten, A. (2014). Prediction of General and Violent Recidivism among Mentally Disordered Adult Offenders: Test of the Level of Service/Risk-Need-Responsivity (LS/RNR) Instrument. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 4(8), 971-991.
MacNeill, A. L. & Bradley, M. T.Cullen, M. C. & Arsenault, A. M. (2014) Cognitive and emotional reactions to questions in the Comparison Question Test. Peceptual and Motor Skills 118, 429-445.
Letourneau, N., Campbell, M.A., Woodland, J., & Colpitts, J. (2013). Supporting mothers’ engagement in a community-based Methadone Treatment Program. Nursing Research and Practice, Article ID 987463, 1-11.
Dyck, H., Campbell, M.A., Schmidt, F., & Wershler, J. (2013). Youth psychopathic traits and their impact on long-term offending trajectories. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 11(3), 230-248.
Bradley, M. T. & Brand, A. (2013). Sweeping recommendations regarding effect size and sample size can miss important nuances: A comment on: A comprehensive review of reporting practices in psychological journals: Are effect sizes really enough? Theory and Psychology, 23, 797-800.
Bradley, M. T. & Brand, A. (2013) Alpha values as a function of sample size, effect size, and power: Accuracy over inference. Psychological Reports: Measures & Statistics, 112(3), 1-10.
Marquis, G. (2013). Constructing an Urban Drug Ecology in 1970s Canada, Urban History Review, XLI (2), 27-40.
McDougall, A., Campbell, M.A., & Santor, D. (2012). Institutional offence patterns in adolescent offenders: The Role of Antisocial and Mental Health Indicators. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 11(2), 99-114.
McDougall, A., Campbell, M.A., Smith, T., Burbridge, A., Doucette, N., & Canales, D. (2012). An analysis of general public and professional’s attitudes about Mental Health Courts: Predictors of a positive perspective. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 11(3), 203-217.
Schmidt, F., Campbell, M.A., & Houlding, C. (2011). Comparative analysis of the YLS/CMI, SAVRY, and PCL:YV in adolescent offenders: A 10-year follow-up into adulthood. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 9(1), 23-42.
Woodworth, M., Porter, S., Doucette, N. L., Peace, K., & Campbell, M. A. (2009). A comparison of memory for homicide, non-homicidal violence, and positive life experiences. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 32(5), 329-34.
Campbell, M. A., Doucette, N.L., & French, S. (2009). Validity and stability of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory in a non-forensic sample of young adults. Journal of Personality Assessment. 91(6), 1-9.
Campbell, M. A., French, S., & Gendreau, P. (2009). The predictors of violence in adult offenders: A meta-analytic comparison of instruments and methods of assessment. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36(6), 567-590.